
2010-03-24 12:54 am
feel grateful i to meet 岩唔岩???

回答 (6)

2010-03-24 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
字眼是對的, 可是整句文法上應該是這樣寫的:

I feel grateful to meet you.
you can say
I am grateful to meet you.
I feel thankful to meet you.
I am thankful/grateful for encountering/meeting/seeing you.
I am thankful for the encounter.

參考: 自己
2010-03-24 5:51 pm
感激我遇見 : to thank my fortunate encounter
I really have to thank my fortunate encounter with you
2010-03-24 10:12 am
感激我遇見 嘅意思應該係 因為遇見到你而產生感激嘅感覺。

Therefore, it should be:
1. I appreciate that I have met you.
2. I am grateful that I have met you.
2010-03-24 7:43 am
It is grateful to meet you.

It is great to meet you.

It is a pleasure to meet you
2010-03-24 5:05 am
我諗應該寫成 "I'm so grateful to meet (somebody)." 會啱啲。((somebody) 即係邊個咁解)

2010-03-25 16:44:49 補充:
參考: mkhy
2010-03-24 1:52 am
great to meet you

so nice to see you

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