請問 \”打尖\” 英文係咩 ?

2010-03-14 4:23 am
請問 "打尖" 英文係咩 ? 乜 .......the queue ???

回答 (2)

2010-03-14 4:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
"jump the queue" 或者 "crash the queue"

我係喺啲網上字典搵嘅 (喱度 http://hk.dictionary.yahoo.com/search.html?s=jump+a+queue)

(註:廣東話嘅 "打尖",即係語體文裡面嘅 "插隊" 咁解)

2010-03-14 03:52:58 補充:
同001嗰個回答一樣,"插隊" 英文可以寫成 "cut in the line" 或者 "cut in the queue"。

2010-03-14 04:06:47 補充:
至於你問邊句 phrase (分別係:"jump the queue"、"crash the queue"、"cut in the queue"、"cut in the line") 好啲,對唔住,我諗我暫時畀唔倒提議你啦。我只能夠話畀你聽,暫時我自己覺得就差唔多啦。


2010-03-14 04:08:58 補充:
參考: mkhy, Yahoo! directory, Yahoo! dictionary
2010-03-14 4:39 am
cut in the line

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