
2010-03-08 9:28 am


回答 (11)

2010-03-17 7:04 pm
If you can give me a chance, I will definitely seize this opportunity to prove myself. If not, I will keep on waiting until it comes.
2010-03-09 2:01 pm


2010-03-09 6:13 am
If you give me a chance, I will catch it well.
Otherwise, I will wait this chance until it appears.
2010-03-09 5:16 am
I will put all my effort to the chance that you give me,
and no matter what I will wait for it's shown up.
2010-03-08 8:52 pm
I will seize the opportunity if you grant me. If not, I will keep on waiting until it comes to me.
參考: hkslot
2010-03-08 8:18 pm
That change if you give me that I must hold on it very well.

Or not, I would be waitting straight till the change appeared.

2010-03-08 12:25:44 補充:
改正 : waiting. 上句多咗個" t ".
2010-03-08 6:10 pm
If you give me a chance, I will take advantage of
If not, I will always be there and so this opportunity
參考: --
2010-03-08 4:47 pm


If you give me a chance, I will take advantage of
If not, I will always be there and so this opportunity

Please sun!!
2010-03-08 1:14 pm
2010-03-08 10:38 am
If you give me a chance, I will be properly grasped.

Otherwise, I would wait until the opportunity arises.
2010-03-08 9:45 am
If you give me an opportunity, I'll take it seriously; otherwise I'll wait till it appears.

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