有請英文高手答; 咩係 frowned upon??

2010-02-04 6:51 am
有請英文高手答; 咩係 frowned upon??

回答 (3)

2010-02-04 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
frown upon 的意思指對某些事情不贊成或是覺得不滿,我在下面提供了兩句例句:

Racism is always being frowned upon in the soccer field.

His colleagues is frowning upon his self-centred attitude for a period of time.

參考: Myself
2010-02-05 1:19 am
To frown is to make a sad, worried, disagreeable or angry expression on the face which even make lines appear on the forehead.
Frown upon accordingly taken to mean very unhappy or angry with something or someone with the aforesaid expression, for example, such as
" Paul frowned upon John's idea that he was entitled to a bigger portion of
the inheritance because he is the eldest son of the family."
2010-02-04 6:54 am

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