Bailif has come around to collect Council Rates,he wouldn't consider giving 2-3 days for payment what can I do?

2009-11-14 7:29 pm
.. he is insisting that I pay on monday, otherwise he will remove items from the house, The Citizens Advice Bureux even had a argument with him with no luck? Some suggests that we just lock up and not let him in - is this wise?

回答 (9)

2009-11-14 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I had no warning letters or phone calls when I was 2 weeks late paying - they just came and forced their way in and demanded payment there and then + extra for their having to come out + some 'jumped-up ' extra charge for my having a 'dangerous dog' - he barked when they entered !
He accepted a post-dated cheque which was for that month, the following month and the extra charges. They did not cash it until 2 weeks before the 6 months validity of the cheque.

Offer them a cheque

BTW - they could have DEMANDED the whole amount for the rest of the year
2009-11-15 3:38 am
Unfortunately, council tax is one of the worst debts not to pay as it is government money. If he came and gave you the opportunity until Monday, he actually did have the right to take your goods there and then. Try and set up an agreement with them, if you honestly cannot pay all of it they will usually accept an agreement if they see you cannot genuinely afford to pay and are not living in a palace, but do not break it. For council tax, you will be taken to court and if you avoid paying you will just have more bailiff and court fees added. Please just try and come to some agreement now - it is not a debt you really can avoid.
2009-11-15 6:05 am
My advice is to call Council Tax office 8.30am on the dot Monday morning and try and get an agreement set up. If bailiff comes out more charges onto the account. Lets hope the debt has not been sold as previous y!a questions seem to imply that various councils fend out the debt to the bailiff firm and wash their hands of it.
Fingers crossed that the situation is still being controlled by the office. Offer them a reasonable payment. If you earn you can ask for an attachment of earnings that is more preferable to bailiff visits as money there is being collected. If not offer them as much as you can spare a month. Dont back out, grit your teeth and pay it. Frankly i'd never mess about with Council Tax now I know the powers given and the fact that even if you do a flit officers can trace you via searches and requesting information.
Good luck
參考: Council Tax Officer
2009-11-15 3:50 am
As it has come to the stage where the bailiffs have been sent round, you have obviously ignored the many reminders and demands that have been sent. Whatever you do, DON'T refuse them entry. Let them in and try to reason with them that you have been very silly in ignoring this bill and you now realise the seriousness of the situation and would like to try and come to some kind of agreement with them to pay of the arrears. This may or may not work, but, ultimately, you are at fault as you have not payed, or attempted to pay this bill. This will be a hard lesson for you, but it should give you a push to pay more attention to future bills.. Good luck on Monday..
2009-11-15 3:38 am
It is never wise to refuse entrance to the bailiffs; if you locked the door they have the authority to gain entrance through the window! The bailiff is the last resort (with the exception of being taken to court) and means that letters have been sent - and ignored - regarding your debts. If you do not have the funds when the bailiff calls on Monday, he is within his rights to remove all items of value from your house. These can then be sold at auction (for a fraction of the cost you bought them for) and, after the auction house and the bailiff take their payments, any remaining monies will be deducted from your debt. If the debt is not fully paid via this method, you are still in debt!
2009-11-15 3:38 am
Oh council tax ,, Not rates now ... well all I can say is you would have had letters and lots of advices from the council that you were in arrears , So why leave it all till the last minute ..?/ So why you not paid them then ? If you were entitled to discounts or benefits that would have all been dealt with previously .. so pay up .. Or let him in .. If you lock the door the police can accompany him and make a forced entry .. If you try to stop them you end up in prison . Moral is ,,, Pay your bills .
2009-11-15 12:15 pm
without knowing the length of time you have owed the council cash or if you made any attempt to pay .. i suggest you ... lock your doors .. if you go out make sure you don't leave any windows open as the will gain entry..
get in touch with the council & make them aware of the tactics being used by the bailiffs ..
you need to make some sort of payment agreement with the council the C.A.B should have done this for you ..
the bailiffs will want all the cash up front or goods to the value off ..your stuff will end up at some auction house with no real chance of guaranteeing its gonna make the money you owe ..
the bailiffs will keep coming back to your door ..until its resolved
參考: once used to be a debt collector
2009-11-15 3:34 am
Ask him for a financial statement form. Then list on it all your income and expenditure and suggest a payment you can make per week. This should stop any further action until you are able to earn enough to pay the bill.
2009-11-15 3:40 am
I believe he can't enter your property without a warrant therefore if you go and stay at your mums aunties or wherever or simply shut all the curtains and make out you've gone away theres not much they can do . that will give you the time to come up with the money.good luck

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