主題: 打風流工 (中譯英)

2009-09-18 11:23 am
唔知 "打風流工" 可否譯到英文呢?
(自由發揮, 如果英文有此講法的成語就更加好啦!)

回答 (4)

2009-09-18 4:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Someone is purely working for leisure without pressure to make both ends meet.

2009-09-18 09:17:47 補充:
打風流工 - 指物質生活上不需要依賴工作帶來之收入去維持生計, 工作只是為興趣或是消磨時間過日神, 可隨時唔做而不會有生活上收支不平衡之壓力, 即俗語所謂【賺錢買花帶】, 唔係【揾食】, 前者是消閒; 後者指要做才有得【食】, 完全係依賴工作收入去維持生計。

purely working for leisure - 工後純綷消閒, 不以工作為生的

without pressure - 冇壓力

to make both ends meet - 可指維持生計 (to live on one's income)

2009-09-18 09:23:27 補充:
工後 - 打錯, 「工作」才對

2009-09-18 09:26:34 補充:
純綷 - 「純粹」才對

2009-09-19 10:03:19 補充:
Thanks for the comments from both ballerina and Garlic. I strongly agree with Garlic stating the point that 【The meaning of 打風流工 is not about the nature of the job itself but the term has more to do with the attitude of the job bearer】.

2009-09-19 10:03:50 補充:
The expression of 【Having a carefree job】would focus on the lighthearted nature of the job rather than the optimistic attitude of the job bearer.
2009-09-19 1:09 pm
The original poster closed the thread too early. There might be more answers had the thread owner waited a while longer.

2009-09-19 05:10:14 補充:
The meaning of 打風流工 is not about the nature of the job itself but the term has more to do with the attitude of the job bearer. The job may be a demanding, highly pressured one but the position holder does not take it seriously.

2009-09-19 05:10:27 補充:
The person can quit any time without much effect on his or her livelihood. There is no pressure on the job bearer regardless of the nature of the job. The supplementary notes in the chosen answer have explained the essence of the term very well.

2009-09-19 05:10:54 補充:
Working for leisure is a good interpretation of the Chinese phrase and concisely articulate the original idea. Tagging "without pressure to make both ends meet" to the expression appears redundant and only makes the translation less concise. But it is a good one for explanation's sake.

2009-09-19 05:11:30 補充:
My suggested translation, though not nearly as good as working for leisure, is
work/do the job as a pastime
2009-09-19 3:32 am
噢! 太快了。搭唔到呢班車。如我要答,我會估吓是:

Having a carefree job

據一本字典,carefree= happy and without any worries, problems, or responsibilities. 估都幾接近風流工的意思。

(另carefree actor即係電影界一般說的茄喱啡)

2009-09-20 15:04:34 補充:
「The meaning of 打風流工 is not about the nature of the job itself」呀!!

但十分同意下半句:「but the term has more..... bearer」。

2009-09-20 15:31:50 補充:

(3)不需meet quota
2009-09-18 11:44 am
It can be Freelance job.

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