《評論》English 20點

2009-09-15 11:17 am
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090821000051KK01264

A. See buy leave teach have lift <---------- 1. Sally asked me ____to have______lunch with her yesterday,but I did not have time. 2. My father promised__to buy________me a new computer for my birthday. 3. Jim was so rude yesterday, so we decided__to teach______him a lesson. 4. Although John is strong, he failed TO LIFT THAT UP. All answers are WRONG in " the best answer"! What's wrong with you, Yahoo? I am out of here! Take care! Good-bye forever, folks!

回答 (4)

2009-09-18 8:17 am
Excuse me, could you please put forward something constructive about the review instead of personal attack? All of your opinions seem to have nothing to do with the question. This forum is supposed to be a platform for knowledge exchange. Please give some opinions relevant to the question.

2009-09-18 00:18:08 補充:
By the way, would you please explain why gave this review a neutral comment? I don’t think this review would deserve a neutral comment, because everything is correct, it corrects the best answer’s mistakes.

2009-09-18 00:18:18 補充:
Hope that your comment & opinions can base on the content of the review, not just for personal conflicts and hatred. Otherwise people will think that you’re the one who butted in and provoked everything with no reason.
2009-09-18 4:07 am
garlic was the one who butted in and provoked everything
2009-09-17 11:11 am
What else can I do huh?

I can drive you back to this English forum and give you a kick again if you like.

That's what I can do.

What do you mean by "names calling"?

You are a dog, so I call you" doggy".

What's wrong with that, Garlic DOG?

2009-09-17 03:12:49 補充:
About what is being next, you will have the chance to find out if you dare to come back and answer any questions!

2009-09-17 03:14:04 補充:
I make sure you will put your doggy tail between your fat legs and escape like what you did a while ago, GARLIC DOGGIE TROLL!

2009-09-17 03:19:42 補充:
By the way, you still haven't got a job yet, poor garlic doggy?

Do you want me to call you a PLANT next time?

2009-09-17 03:25:06 補充:
I have 1000000000000 Yahoo IDs! So What?

Mind your own biz, you stupid doggy!

2009-09-17 03:28:21 補充:
It seems to me that you are quite interested in how many IDs I own.

I hope you won't be intested in my keister.

I am straight, garlic doggy!

You are nothing but a barking horny dog to me! Why don't you give eicacheat a ring and let her comfort you cry baby?

2009-09-17 03:29:50 補充:
I hope you won't be interested in my keister.****************

Oh no! I've mistyped something! Should you attack me with one of your fake IDs now, garlic dog?

2009-09-17 03:34:54 補充:
By the way, killingugarlic.softly is my American friend.

He is a cool guy(human). You are the ONLY DOG (animal) in this forum.

2009-09-17 03:39:41 補充:

Did you get your Yahoo ID on this date? lol


A normal smart person can become a so-called knowledge chief on here, but you ............lol


2009-09-17 03:42:09 補充:


2009-09-17 03:44:36 補充:
檔案建立:2007-04-09 VS 2009-17-09 (CURRENT DATE) @_@

You really suck, man!

2009-09-17 03:46:45 補充:
Perhaps I'd just ask eicacheat how you suck some day. lol

2009-09-17 03:53:26 補充:
No question is too dumb to ask. The only stupid question is the one that is not asked.<------------Junk!

All dogs are too dumb to bark.

The only stupid dog is the one that is not smoked by alaslee80!

2009-09-17 03:58:30 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-09-17 02:21:06
[ 檢舉 ] Troll: a creature that looks like an ugly person.

2009-09-17 03:58:38 補充:
If you think I am ugly, quit stalking me, you sick gay doggy!

Get yourself a doggy job, work hard and wait for the day you get fired.

That's what you SHOULD do now.

2009-09-17 04:01:51 補充:
纏綿遊戲過後 為何能捨得放手

2009-09-17 13:12:53 補充:
I cannot imagine what a laughing dog would look like.

It would be nothing but fugly, I suppose.

2009-09-17 13:14:52 補充:
Garlic dog, you are so dang retarded and naive! You know what?

PEOPLE who use caps doesn't mean they are mad! lol

I have no clue what your doggy brain is made of sometimes.

SHAME ON YOU!! <----I am mad again right? lol

2009-09-17 13:17:03 補充:
Speaking of redeeming features, Um.....all I can see from you are
a crooked nose in the middle of your doggy sad face and a toothpick-like brain filled with naiveness hanging from the back of your tiny little doggie head! NICE FEATURES!! <---I am pissed off again!lol

2009-09-17 13:18:32 補充:
alaslee80, or whatiswhat24, or whatever, see how easily you can be driven mad. I pity you, really.

Only MAD DOGS can make me mad! Are you one of them?

I hope YOU ARE!<----I am mad again! lolzzzzzzzz

2009-09-17 13:19:57 補充:
By the way, I have two more IDs- jklo911 and anti-gangsta.

SO WHAT! <----Woohoooooooo! I am irritated again.

2009-09-17 13:21:42 補充:
Garlic DOG, you know why you cannot get back to society and have a job in real life? It is mainly because you are too retarded, naive, shallow,
arrogant, annoying and you are a boring sentence maker.

SHAME ON you! <===========See I am less angry now!

2009-09-17 13:23:46 補充:

SHAME ON YOU!!! <---I am so MAD now! lol

2009-09-17 13:25:27 補充:
One of garlic dog's theories is one who uses caps means one is mad

and one who doesn't means one is calm!


You shallow doggy! <---------You see how calm I am now?

2009-09-17 13:26:53 補充:
Once again! I am jklo911! Bite me!

2009-09-17 13:36:51 補充:
I always try to answer your doggy questions.

How about you? All you know is to avoid mine!


Did you get your Yahoo ID on this date? <---Here is one of my questions for you, garlic dog.

2009-09-17 14:09:48 補充:
garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 ) 2009-09-15 04:21:25 正面 100%


The review above is full of insults!

You garlic dog said 100 percent right?

2009-09-17 14:09:58 補充:
You supported this mad man 100 perfect and now you are accusing me of
calling people names ?

You are no doubt a fair doggie, garlic dog!

2009-09-17 14:10:26 補充:
Typing to you pointless dog really makes me zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

2009-09-17 14:13:35 補充:
You are surely a dog without any redeeming features!


2009-09-17 14:16:33 補充:
tcprivy is one of your IDs, garlic doggy?

Would you kindly answer this question? lol

2009-09-17 14:22:01 補充:
意見者: alaslee80 ( 碩士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 英文 | 中文
發表時間: 2009-09-17 14:18:38
[ 檢舉 ]
刪除 lolanyau 的知識檔案
小學級 5 級
點數: 111 (本週0) 回答採用率: 0% (0/0) 發問回答率: 0% (0/0) 他的Blog: 不公開
他的粉絲: 0人 申张吓正义 with an empty ID????????????

2009-09-18 00:17:17 補充:
You are only a DOG. That's what I know.

You are ugly, stupid, pointless and you never provide HUMANS here with solid evidence!

2009-09-18 00:17:42 補充:
Pet control will catch you, not us! Excuse us! lol

2009-09-18 00:18:55 補充:
What else do you want to take out? Your fart?

2009-09-18 00:19:47 補充:
Zoe Yip, save it for SOMEONE smart!

Garlic reasonable doggy will never care about what you wrote!

2009-09-18 00:20:11 補充:
His standards vary whenever IT likes!

2009-09-18 00:21:13 補充:
GARLIC's girlfriend can cheat, but we cannot!

IT has been supporting her and they have been working as a strong team

to give people bad comments day and night!

2009-09-18 00:22:30 補充:
Never expect us to answer your stupid questions because

you ALWAYS avoid answering ours, doggy boy!

2009-09-18 00:23:46 補充:
keep crying like an infant, which I would not care!

Just make sure your girlfriend will comfort you by saying,

"garlic doggy gor gor, ng ho ham la." lolzzzzzzzzzzzzz

2009-09-18 00:24:45 補充:
Once you are a dog, you will be a dog forever!

It is no use telling mankind you are a human being! Come on!

It is not gonna work. Trust me okay?

or you still WANNA argue with me? lol

2009-09-18 00:26:12 補充:
caps = you are mad lol = you are laughing

It is proven that your brain is made of red bean paste or something!

2009-09-18 00:28:16 補充:
By the way, you keep talking about whatiswhat whatiswhat!

Do you love him or what?

He says he never likes dogs. I am so sorry for you, garlic dog!

2009-09-18 00:29:49 補充:
People from North America would be friendly, but
dogs from there are as ugly and moronic like you, garlic DOG!

2009-09-18 00:31:25 補充:
I mean people from North America would be friendly, but
dogs from there are as ugly and moronic AS you, garlic DOG!

Don't try to pick on me coz I am just human! lolzzzzzzzzzz

2009-09-18 00:33:01 補充:
What other FAKE IDs do you own apart from jkloxxx,simonchan,layneeg
antigangsta (1-3), xxx and xxxxx?

2009-09-18 00:35:23 補充:
Do Yankees in North America call you " CHINK" or "Chinese dog", garlic? You do not belong there!

2009-09-18 00:37:24 補充:
Two more questions for you aight?

Why did you get fired last time? lol

How come it is taking you forever to find a job?

2009-09-18 02:46:48 補充:
Are you having dengue fever or what, garlic doggy?

What is "special" in your eyes?

Your doggy reviews are ONLY special eh?

Is that what you are sayin'?

2009-09-18 02:49:20 補充:
I was a cry babe when I was a baby-- not anymore!

How about you? You are the only crying doggie on Yahoo, garlic doggy!

Look at you! You have been crying for over a year!

Garlic dog says." I do not like the system and people here."


2009-09-18 02:52:04 補充:
Zoe Yip is a human being who speaks with her heart.

That's something I am so sure of. How about you, garlic doggy?

Are you a mad dog who barks with its doggy mouth,
thinks with its doggy arse and cries like a raped damsel?


2009-09-18 02:55:51 補充:
Do you really want to know why I like calling you a DOG?

Let me tell you why now. It is mainly because you are NOTHING SPECIAL! ^__________^

2009-09-18 03:06:43 補充:
I suggest you get a face lift, have your sallow double chin chopped off,

remove the red bean paste from your tiny little head and have a silicone breast implant today.

2009-09-18 03:06:50 補充:
For the last thing, please think twice before you leap! I do not want you to become a female dog. ( You look pathetic and stupid now -- just the way I like it.)

2009-09-18 03:07:03 補充:
if you LOOKED special or more human-like, I MIGHT consider
calling you" Mr. Garlic", but NOT NOW!

2009-09-18 03:10:00 補充:
I suggest you get a face- lift, have your sallow double chin chopped off, ( I forgot to hypenate "face-lift" for you, garlic doggy.)

remove the red bean paste from your tiny little head and have a silicone breast implant today.

2009-09-18 03:10:27 補充:
I suggest you get a face- lift, have your sallow double chin chopped off, ( I forgot to hypenate "face-lift" for you, garlic doggy.)

remove the red bean paste from your tiny little head and have a silicone breast implant today.

2009-09-18 03:10:46 補充:
I suggest you get a face- lift, have your sallow double chin chopped off, ( I forgot to hypenate "face-lift" for you, garlic doggy.)

remove the red bean paste from your tiny little head and have a silicone breast implant today.

2009-09-18 03:35:21 補充:
Anybody home???????????????????

Doggy, are you with me?

Here is my second word for you:

H O M I N O I D<=============================

Perhaps one day you will be hominoid, but not in this century.

2009-09-18 13:19:31 補充:
Keep saying sorry will make you a sorry arse, garlic DOG!

2009-09-18 13:23:31 補充:
Here is my third word for you, stupid garlic dog!

Name-calling (noun)

Now you can put this word into your boring sentences properly.

You provoked me? What a big joke!

My friends and I kicked you stupid dog out in a fun way.

2009-09-18 13:23:37 補充:
All you know is to talk non-sense, accuse people of doing something bad with no evidence, bomb innocent people with your dull sentences
and give people netural comments as one of your hobbies!

2009-09-18 13:25:02 補充:
I almost forgot! You bad dog even put curses on others around here.

2009-09-18 13:26:07 補充:
You can be a chicken, too! If you have guts, come back to this wonderful forum. I am challenging you trash talker now!

2009-09-18 13:27:54 補充:
I am also challenging you to go on mic and talk about English or whatever you want to talk about any time you like.

Why do I need to challenge you to go on mic?

It is because you stupid garlic dog always has problems expressing yourself in text!

2009-09-18 13:29:53 補充:
Come on! Don't be a chicken! LET ME HEAR YOUR


2009-09-18 13:32:53 補充:
I really pity you, garlic dog!

You talk nonsense all the time. What someone challenges you, you
just back off, hide in your doggy alley and cry a river.


2009-09-18 13:33:30 補充:

2009-09-18 13:33:53 補充:
This is no name-calling, but facts.

2009-09-18 13:35:57 補充:
We mankind make mistakes.<---This theory cannot be applied to dogs!

2009-09-17 10:02 am
whatiswhat24, layneegispooop, alaslee80, what's next?

2009-09-17 02:20:47 補充:
Other than names calling, what else can you do? No wonder you are acquainted with trolls like killingu.softly.

2009-09-17 02:21:06 補充:
Troll: a creature that looks like an ugly person.
I learned this word from you, whatiswhat24.

2009-09-17 08:24:34 補充:
alaslee80, or whatiswhat24, or whatever, see how easily you can be driven mad. I pity you, really.

2009-09-17 08:32:50 補充:
It makes me laugh to see that the one who is barking like mad is calling other people dog. I could have typed more but not to someone without any redeeming feature.

2009-09-17 22:00:55 補充:
Who is barking most of the time here?

2009-09-17 22:01:32 補充:
See, you can do no more than names calling and even that is not original. Yawn. I bet you don't know what redeeming feature is for someone who has none.

2009-09-17 22:08:08 補充:
You guys suffer from a helpless hatred to Yahoo users from North America, most likely due to your inferiority complex and react hysterically to their posts. Relax, they are also humans.

2009-09-17 22:14:29 補充:
By the way, alaslee80, where are your alter ego, whatiswhat24 and layneegispooop?

2009-09-17 23:53:19 補充:
You guys surely cannot argue with sense. The best, or more correctly, the worst, you can do is names calling. Typing the same mindless garbage over and over again is all you can do. I pity you.

2009-09-17 23:54:55 補充:
Do I 誤導大眾? Let me state the fact with proof.
There is a ring that actively practices group voting.
There are members vote with their different IDs.
whatiswhat24 has two other IDs.

2009-09-17 23:57:10 補充:
Let me state where I stand.
I denounce group voting and voting based on either friendship or hostility.
I denounce Baggio for inviting her friends, who are not interested in and do not know the answers, to vote for a particular answer in a thread she herself did not answer.

2009-09-17 23:59:09 補充:
I denounce Ken for blindly voting for his friends and giving their answers positive rating where the answers are obviously wrong.
I denounce whatiswhat24 for casting 3 votes in one thread.

2009-09-18 00:00:51 補充:
You can catch me making a grammatical mistake again in 050. I am only human.

2009-09-18 00:32:49 補充:
alaslee80, I didn't type STILL WANNA ARGUE in caps. I copied them from your post.

2009-09-18 00:50:09 補充:
The comment is correct. I gave it a "Fair" rating because there was nothing special in the comment. I am entitled to my opinion, right?

2009-09-18 01:08:24 補充:
I am sorry if you are not comfortable with the posts in the opinion section. You can ask alaslee80 to stop. I cannot.

2009-09-18 02:14:55 補充:
I find in you someone who is talking with sense. I apologize to you for provoking someone who is so easily provoked, and bringing all this mess. Please determine for yourself who is crying like a baby here.

2009-09-18 03:55:39 補充:
It appears that alaslee80 will not rest in peace and insists on having the last word. Go on and let me and many others have more fun.

2009-09-20 08:23:43 補充:
alaslee80, I don't need to call you pathetic, retarded, moronic, naive, or anything like that. The garbage in your posts has confirmed such nature of yours.

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