
2009-07-15 7:48 pm

回答 (9)

2009-07-15 8:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1) I want to have this key/these keys duplicated, please.

2) Duplicate this/these for me, please.

"this/these" is enough here if you are showing the locksmith your key(s).

This key = singular
These keys = plural

That's it.

2009-09-15 12:42 pm
whatiswhat, how many times you have mentioned you live in UK and English is your day-to-day language, if not your mother tongue. Do your words imply arrogance?

2009-09-15 04:45:33 補充:
Someone said in his answer he was an English teacher. Do you consider ti arrogant?

2009-09-15 04:56:28 補充:
Do any of the words below conducive to helping the original poster understand better?

American English is BASICALLY your first language huh?
What are you trying to show people around here anyway?

2009-09-15 04:56:45 補充:
Loads of beggars in the states are NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKERS!
open your half-blind eyes
You are a major arrogant LIAR
Mr.mother tongue

2009-09-15 04:58:04 補充:
Are you insinulating that ... you are a better person than killingu.softly is?
Are you the pioneer of that language?

Do we understand English better?

2009-09-15 05:00:48 補充:
Does it not make one who has lived in N. America for 40 years, twice that of whoever he is, a bigger arrogant mother tongue LIAR

2009-09-15 05:02:22 補充:
You can catch me making a grammatical mistake in post 053. I am only human.

2009-09-15 05:07:15 補充:
whatiswhat, if one really knows what to cut a key is and yet asks 'What the heck is " to cut a key" anyway"? ', isn't that provoking?

2009-09-15 05:24:38 補充:
Bullies and irrational names calling, shy to make his account public, a big chicken he is, and Trash-talking his obsession.

2009-09-17 23:52:37 補充:
You guys surely cannot argue with sense. The best, or more correctly, the worst, you can do is names calling. Typing the same mindless garbage over and over again is all you can do. I pity you.
2009-07-24 2:17 am
有人自知理虧,說甚麼kindness makes a person better,但然後又說he did not mean to be rude,既然他也知道自己是沒有禮物,還要扮甚麼道貌岸然的樣子。簡直是自相矛盾。
有人說自己在北美住了20幾年,只是他卻會犯一個即使不是以英語作母語的學生都不會犯的錯誤(make XXX +gerund ),令人懷疑,北美的人英文真是甚麼差麼?或者只會他一個才是吧。

2009-07-23 18:17:09 補充:
其實,正常人一看便知道是誰在挑起事端。allofusme 不懂裝懂,說甚麼只有 tcprivy 答對。這才令killingu.softly 想糾正他。怎料, tcprivy 沒有看清楚整件事,便說甚麼Still want to argue?究竟是誰想爭辯,挑起事端?! 最有趣的,是tcprivy 知道自己錯了,卻不承認,反而說他不想討論下去,連承認錯誤的勇氣也沒有,真是
2009-07-24 1:22 am
I have found something interesting here.

Don't study more, just be humble and ask people who really know English well.

How come the one who wrote this sentence is so rude?

2009-07-23 17:24:08 補充:
Make me sitting...

I wonder if those so-called native English speakers would make such a silly mistake. If I were you, I would not tell other that I was a native English speaker for the sake of not humiliating my compatriots.
2009-07-23 10:30 pm
意見者: tcprivy ( 小學級 5 級 )

Are you insinulating that you know North American English well and you are a better person than killingu.softly is?

Is North American English dominating the entire English world?

Are you the pioneer of that language?

2009-07-23 14:32:46 補充:
發問者: hkgogobox ( 小學級 5 級) asked


Obviously, this bloke wanted to learn how to say things like
" I'd like to make a copy of this key.".

2009-07-23 14:33:51 補充:
" to cut a key" is spoken in the states as I know, but
it is not a good answer to the asker's question.

2009-07-23 14:34:33 補充:
You job should have been ( to teach the asker how to express himself in this situation).

2009-07-23 14:36:08 補充:
Here is a little joke for you, dude.

Customer: Hey! To cut a key.

Locksmith: Are you able to speak English, pal?

2009-07-23 14:39:07 補充:
TO CUT A KEY is definitely correct, not saying that the other guys are wrong. English is basically my mother tongue and I lived in N. America for over 20 years, trust me, my English isn't too shabby! STILL WANT TO ARGUE?<----------Is this provoking?

2009-07-23 14:40:16 補充:
English is basically my mother tongue and I lived in N. America for over 20 years, trust me, my English isn't too shabby!

Do these words imply " arrogance"?

2009-07-23 14:42:55 補充:
If English is REALLY your mother tongue, I will have to suggest that you should

work on "punctuation usuage".

You have been misusing commas in your sentences!

2009-07-23 14:43:45 補充:
YouR job should have been ( to teach the asker how to express himself in this situation). *************

2009-07-24 03:57:43 補充:
I mistyped "punctuation usage".

2009-07-24 04:01:22 補充:
意見者: [email protected] ( 小學級 5 級 )

We call that "kindness", not rudeness!

You know why?

When one doesn't know something, one should be modest and consult some experts.

One is not supposed to study hard. ( A good piece of advice!)

Perhaps that's what that fellow meant.

2009-07-24 04:11:24 補充:
By the way, I wrote killingu.softly an email and he replied to me.

Here is what he said:

I know exactly what key-cutting is all about because I've been living in the states for over 40 years. I just don't think that the guy answered the question correctly.

2009-07-24 04:11:33 補充:
The asker wants to know how to say " I'd like to have my/this/these key/keys cut" in English.

" to cut a key" is like we are saying " The locksmith is cutting a key.", which is absurd.

2009-07-24 04:13:16 補充:
After I read all these, I totally agree with what he said.

Locksmiths CUT keys for a living, but customers HAVE their keys CUT.

2009-07-24 04:21:17 補充:
Now let's go back to the issue about kindness.

As for me, it is hard to judge who is a BETTER person in this cyber world because I lack information on people. It would be naive and shallow if I chose to judge someone by his words.

2009-07-24 04:22:44 補充:
The adjective "better" is used when we compare one object/person with
the other or any other objects/ people.

Next time we want to use this adjective, we will have to make sure that

there is/are something/someone/ some people for us to compare with.

2009-07-24 04:30:07 補充:
I am also in doubt that kindness will make a person better.


This person thinks "Mormonism makes him/her a better person".

2009-07-24 04:31:29 補充:
I am going to leave the question " What makes a person better?" to you all.

2009-07-23 9:30 pm
When your camera is broken, will you say" I wanna fix "A" camera"
to a repairman?

I guess that's what killingu.softly means.

2009-09-17 13:50:29 補充:

You mornic doggie, tcprivy is yourself!<=============

You missed out the line " STILL WANNA ARGUE".


Garlic dog, you are really brainless!

2009-09-17 13:51:57 補充:
You crappy dog, you DO NOT insult anything right?

What are these?

Bullies and irrational names calling, shy to make his account public, a big chicken he is, and Trash-talking his obsession. <====

You are surely a *****ed-up dog!

2009-09-17 14:00:16 補充:
tcprivy=garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 ) THE SAME DOG!

2009-09-17 14:00:30 補充:
tcprivy=garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 ) THE SAME DOG!

2009-09-17 14:00:37 補充:
tcprivy=garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 ) THE SAME DOG!

2009-09-17 14:01:28 補充:
tcprivy=garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 ) THE SAME DOG!

tcprivy=garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 ) THE SAME DOG!

tcprivy=garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 ) THE SAME DOG!


2009-07-16 11:54 pm
只有 tcprivy 答對。
2009-07-16 12:03 am
配鎖匙 = To cut a key

2009-07-15 16:06:25 補充:
To cut a key is the common saying in North America when you need to duplicate a key. It is more commonly used than saying to duplicate a key.

2009-07-17 17:58:11 補充:
TO CUT A KEY is most commonly used. You can see signs saying KEY CUTTING in many locksmith shops to tell customers that they can have their keys duplicated there.

2009-07-17 18:14:18 補充:
This is to allofusme :

TO CUT A KEY is definitely correct, not saying that the other guys are wrong. English is basically my mother tongue and I lived in N. America for over 20 years, trust me, my English isn't too shabby! Still want to argue?

2009-07-17 18:19:50 補充:
Sorry Allofusme. My last response was meant for killingu.softly. Please accept my apology.

2009-07-23 14:20:18 補充:
killingu.softly : If all you are interested is picking fights, I don't want to have anything to do with you. Mean-mouthing is not in my up-bringing.

2009-07-23 14:21:30 補充:
By the way, killingu.softly, if you don't know "What the heck is to cut a key", don't study more, just be humble and ask people who really know English well. The last advice for you : Try a little kindness, it will make you a better person.

2009-07-23 14:49:08 補充:
To Whatiswhat 24:

No, just knowing a language well does not make anyone superior, but possessing kindness as a virtue does make a person better. Please read my original text and you will know that's what I meant.

2009-07-23 15:46:14 補充:
To Whatiswhat24:

You have a point that my statement does give the impression of being arrogant, but that's not my intention as it's nothing worth bragging about as far as I am concerned.

2009-07-23 15:46:47 補充:
I found killingu.softly's rude comment on allofusme's submission uncalled for and just wanted to impress upon him that he, too, could make mistakes as well. Anyhow, enough is enough, I won't dwell on this discussion further.
參考: self, self, Self
2009-07-15 8:08 pm
Please duplicate the key

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