《評論》of 可以做adjective?

2009-05-23 3:28 pm
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090421000051KK01369

Other than a mere mention of the term adjective phrase, the voted answer did not explain what an adjective phrase was, nor did it give examples of the is + of structure. It did not contain any of the additional information that was given by other contributors in the comments. The examples it gave were confusing (The table was made of wood) and irrelevant (The bag was made in silk.) If that was the standard of the best answer, perhaps we can write an answer like the following to any question : The sun rises in the east.Vote for this answer. When the voting is over, someone might give a detailed explanation on why this is the best answer and why the other answers are wrong. My question is: Could this answer have been voted as the best were it not for the vested interest of some of the voters?

回答 (2)

2009-05-29 2:25 am
I have 2 more IDs huh?

How about you, garlic head? 10? 20? or 30?

You are really a sick moron!!!

2009-05-28 18:26:23 補充:
You think with your arse, eat with your toes and insult people with your lousy and boring sentences.

2009-05-28 18:31:53 補充:
We human beings only 指狗為狗, garlic bread!!!



2009-05-28 18:32:44 補充:
Be a man, garlic bread!

Gosh! You've been crying for months! Shame on you again!!!

2009-05-28 21:08:48 補充:
如果 Baggio 或任何人認為他的英文比我好,那他的英文就比我好,我的英文不濟,那就不濟吧。papapapapapappapappa!!!!

You are with your mask again now!!! Are you sure you won't attack people with your fake IDs because of this?

2009-05-28 21:09:56 補充:
whatiswhat 一人投三票,alaslee80 加 layneegispooop,無話可說。

You are acting you know everything time and again! Sigh!

You know how many IDs I own huh?
What else do you know about me, Mr Guessing game?

2009-05-28 21:11:26 補充:
Your best friend EICACHEAT used to cheat with THREE IDs.

How come you did not shout at her? Why?

Your double standard eh?

2009-05-28 21:13:18 補充:

Right on! You can even come back any time you like. Watch me how to kick your arse!!

2009-05-28 21:14:50 補充:

This is a commerical platform! Wake up, please!!

Your naiveness is making me puke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2009-05-23 3:29 pm
在一篇以經移除的評論,Baggio 親自承認他邀請人為這題投候選答案002,Baggio 說他是叫人投正確答案,並不是投打壓票。事實是這條問題 Baggio 沒有回答,他不是叫人投票給他本人的答案。在大量支持002票湧入前,投候選答案003的票仍比002多,這說明另一答案是有其可取之處。Baggio 認為002答案是好,已從他所投的票反映,邀請大量根本不關心答案的台灣朋友投票為要一個他認為是好的答案勝出,你會相信這不是出自一個動機,打壓另一答案嗎﹖

2009-05-23 07:30:28 補充:
如果其他答案一無是處,網友自然會分出,不用 Baggio 操心,假若其他答案確有可取,Baggio 這樣做豈非強姦民意,一如特首一般思維,我的意見就是民意。不論 Baggio 如何狡辯,出動四十友情票投一個解釋不詳盡的答案,擺明就是玩打壓,做得出又何必怕認。

2009-05-23 07:43:01 補充:
如果 Baggio 或任何人認為他的英文比我好,那他的英文就比我好,我的英文不濟,那就不濟吧。友情票在雅虎知識是人人皆知、無人敢說的事實,要闖這塊禁地我還有我的自由吧。對一個投打壓票的人,shame on him 還不算太過份吧。

2009-05-23 07:54:31 補充:
答案中的例句跟本不是一個完整句子,明明是錯的也可以投為最佳答案,並給予正評,形容為指鹿為馬真是貼切不過。whatiswhat 一人投三票,alaslee80 加 layneegispooop,無話可說。

2009-06-02 09:03:12 補充:
出動四十友情票投一個解釋不詳盡的答案,邀請大量不認識、不關心答案的台灣朋友投票為要一個 Baggio 認為是「好」的答案勝出,你會相信動機不是出自打壓另一答案嗎﹖

2009-06-02 09:04:25 補充:
請記住,是 Baggio 親自承認他邀請人為這題投候選答案002。

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