
2009-05-14 7:43 pm
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090401000051KK01982

Notice to all residents ( for example) The water pipes have been leaking for a long period of time. For safety reasons, the main water supply will be shut off ( and further notice will be given) if the situation doesn't improve( in the next few days). 1) " for a long time" <----------- too oral!! 2) "the main water supply" is better than " water supply". 3) "to be shut off" is more natural than" to be turned off". 4) if the situation doesn't improve. <-------We should use active voice here. 我想出一張英文告示,係關於 水喉長期滴水 , 因為安全理由 如情況無改善 . 會關上水制應該點寫? 5) How can the situation BE IMPROVED "SHORTLY"? 886


-Footnote: 「滴水」(dripping) 與 「漏水」(leaking) 是不一樣的。 「水喉長期滴水」 written by the asker I suppose "The water pipes have been leaking............" sounds more logical.

回答 (2)

2009-05-26 7:10 pm
Life is actually full of jokes and different issues. ^_^
2009-05-25 8:32 pm
意見者: whatiswhat24 ( 博士級 1 級 )
擅長領域: 英文 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-02-28 16:16:50
《評論》on Yahoo is a big joke to me!!
I bet my nephew can do that too! lol

2009-05-26 02:14:44 補充:
講句公道話,the situation does not improve 比 the situation is not improved 自然,雖然後者文法上屬正確,多謝 whatiswhat 賜正。

2009-05-26 02:18:53 補充:
shortly 用法並無不妥。

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