《評論》of 可以做adjective?

2009-05-04 6:41 pm
相關問題: https://hk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090421000051KK01369

003) 1) He only mentioned "of" is a prep. 2) He changed his sentences to relative clauses. ( Relative clauses have nothing to do with this question.) 3) He failed to answer the following: 係一本教科書中出現了 People claim young people should be protected from movies that are of an unhealthy nature. 其中of 於 動詞 are 之後。從未見過這樣的用法,請教一下。 <---- that are of an unhealthy(adjective) nature(noun)= adjective clause This clause is used to decribe the noun "movies". 002) 1) 002 did not say "of" is an adjective- he meant the clause above should be called "adjective clause", which is a correct answer. 2) 002 did not talk anything unrelated. 3) His answer is clear and understandable. *** The car that she is driving is not hers. 如果邀請知識友投票正確答案有什麼錯? Baggio是對題不對人。不過也是Baggio+whatiswhat24 邀請我投票。

回答 (3)

2009-05-08 1:08 am
『凡 罵 弟 兄 是 拉 加 的 、 難 免 公 會 的 審 斷 』.
『凡 罵 弟 兄 是 魔 利 的 、 難 免 地 獄 的 火 。』
2009-05-05 8:37 am
whatiswhat, did I hint to you which answer to vote for?

2009-05-05 00:44:55 補充:
Is my comment on which answer is the best? It is always on how people vote that I commented. You guys have said it.


2009-05-05 04:37:09 補充:

2009-05-05 04:46:47 補充:

2009-05-05 05:03:54 補充:
2009-05-04 8:15 pm
Garlic sent me an email asking me to cast my vote.

I myself liked another answer, so I told my friends which I had vote for.

Nothing wrong with it!

2009-05-04 12:16:52 補充:
不過也是Baggio+whatiswhat24 邀請我投票<-----


Garlic invited me to vote as well. ^_^

2009-05-04 12:18:45 補充:
By the way, I do not think it is nice to say "shame on you" to someone

after telling that person that you would like to be s/he friend.

2009-05-04 12:20:15 補充:
I myself liked another answer, so I told my friends which one I had voted for.*********

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