
2009-05-03 7:28 am

回答 (11)

2009-05-03 9:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案



LSD calls for halt to what is says is 'fake' consultation on political reform
2007-09-09 HKT 12:02

The League of Social Democrats has called for a halt to what it says is a "fake" public consultation exercise on political reform. The League's vice-chairman, Doctor Lo Wing-lok, says that for universal suffrage to be achieved, it must be endorsed by the Chief Executive, the Central Government and the Legislative Council. He says the consultation should be stopped because such official barriers leave Hong Kong people with very little say.

2009-05-03 13:13:41 補充:
口惠實不至 = Correct
口惠實不惠= funny Chinese!!!!

2009-05-03 13:30:17 補充:
口惠實不惠 I don't think it is right to be put into this question!

2009-05-03 13:38:37 補充:

I don't think we should use "口惠實不惠" in this situation.

2009-05-06 04:54:02 補充:
Garlic dog is bad. We all know that. Just sit back and watch him cry and bark. If it is too noisy, we will just call pet control.

2009-05-06 18:04:31 補充:
mancheung gor gor

you should check your eyes !

2009-05-06 18:04:50 補充:

2009-05-06 18:05:06 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-05-05 14:12:28
[ 檢舉 ] I will get back to my life. I will leave this place to all the 腸塞病患者 for their rehabilitation. 希望你地早日康復。

What is this?

2009-05-06 18:05:36 補充:
[ 檢舉 ] (續上)Baggio,你話人是 cyber bullies,「晒冷」「大」人,你自己算不算是個 cyber bully。你多謝人投給你正義良心一票,你現在叫人同你一齊投打壓票,良心正義只有人對你啱用,並不適用於你對人﹖你有資格講良心正義嗎﹖長期以來你勝出的答案有多少是叫人投你的友情票,你又投過幾多打壓票,你自己最清楚。做票這種卑劣行為,是對知識、網民同你自己的侮辱。我問過一條「投假票事件翻譯」問題

2009-05-06 18:05:59 補充:
is garlic a gentleman? MANCHEUNG!

2009-05-06 18:07:48 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-05-05 14:12:28
[ 檢舉 ] I will get back to my life. I will leave this place to all the 腸塞病患者 for their rehabilitation. 希望你地早日康復。

What is this?

2009-05-06 18:07:56 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-05-05 14:12:28
[ 檢舉 ] I will get back to my life. I will leave this place to all the 腸塞病患者 for their rehabilitation. 希望你地早日康復。

What is this?

2009-05-06 18:12:44 補充:
腸塞病患者= a nice disease in your eyes, mancheung!

I have no idea why you have to support this barking dog blindly!

2009-05-06 18:21:07 補充:
Perhaps garlic still has some stupid followers. I don't care!

My job is to send him back to his doggy country.

He has been bullying people in this forum for so long!

2009-05-07 12:01:18 補充:
Doc Garlic, how come you haven't asked your dear friends to vote for you
this time?

Do you mean your answer is BAD or what?

2009-05-07 12:05:42 補充:
If you think your English standard is low, you may consider taking a BASIC grammar course at my school.

By the way, my school only accepts human beings.

2009-05-07 12:07:36 補充:
You can call me anything you like, but you can never change the fact that

you are a real cyber bully on the Internet.

2009-05-07 14:58:48 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-04-19 23:02:28
[ 檢舉 ] missyeung88,多謝你的回答,意見中肯,太率直得罪人自己亦有不對地方,多謝提醒。 ...........

2009-05-07 14:59:12 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-04-21 00:14:14
[ 檢舉 ] 有些答案似而非,特別在英文分類,英文是講文法的,有錯的地方不特別指出來,並不容易分辨正誤,只要不是存心抺黑或貶低對方,指出其他答案錯處亦無可厚非。這方面也要提醒自己不要犯錯。 ............WHAT A GENTLEMAN!

2009-05-07 14:59:33 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-05-06 03:08:07
[ 檢舉 ] Friends? For perverts like you, I rather not have any. ...........

2009-05-07 14:59:53 補充:
意見者: garlic2010 ( 博士級 5 級 )
擅長領域: 程式語言 | 英文
發表時間: 2009-05-05 14:12:28
[ 檢舉 ] I will get back to my life. I will leave this place to all the 腸塞病患者 for their rehabilitation. 希望你地早日康復。...............

2009-05-07 15:00:24 補充:
Word for today: two-faced

2009-05-07 15:28:34 補充:
不是存心抺黑= to call people 腸塞病患者 all the time OH I SEE!

I have just learnt something new from you today. Thank you very much, doc garlic.
2009-05-08 7:22 pm
假= fake

I'd rather not to vote. ^___________________^

2009-05-09 11:43:05 補充:
things that baggio and ken discovered and posted in 043 & 071 are NOT RESPONDED yet........

2009-05-09 11:43:50 補充:
garlic(蒜是植物)has too many fake id's to prove itself disgusting. Wake up!!!

2009-05-09 11:44:23 補充:
garlic writes to baggio saying 'I am writing this email because, firstly, I want a friend?'
baggio not voting for it got insulted coz baggio is not willing to be its friend!

2009-05-09 20:24:38 補充:
things that baggio and ken discovered and posted in 043 & 071 are NOT RESPONDED yet......

2009-05-09 20:25:00 補充:
garlic(蒜是植物)has too many fake id's to prove itself disgusting. Wake up!!!

2009-05-09 20:25:21 補充:
garlic writes to baggio saying 'I am writing this email because, firstly, I want a friend?'
baggio not voting for it got insulted coz baggio is not willing to be its friend!
2009-05-08 1:03 am
『凡 罵 弟 兄 是 拉 加 的 、 難 免 公 會 的 審 斷 』.
『凡 罵 弟 兄 是 魔 利 的 、 難 免 地 獄 的 火 。』
2009-05-08 12:15 am

我認同你在 043 的解釋, 所以會投 004 一票.

希望之後的留言, 是圍繞知識討論. ^_^

2009-05-07 16:35:32 補充:
此外, 原來除了 RTHK 用 "fake" consultation;

我也見有人用 "fake" decision:


也有人用 "fake" suggestion:


不過不知他們是否夠 "地道" 英文, 要請教 native speakers 來求證. ^_^

2009-05-07 17:08:12 補充:
074 朋友:

如果 "人" 不信聖經的話是真的, 這些說話對 "人" 就沒有意義. 是真是假, "人" 要到將來才知道了.

請你的發言圍繞回答主題好嗎? ^_^
2009-05-07 11:29 am
004 較 "正確", 原因是:

"pay lip service 應是指 "一個人/政府不去認真執行「已」承諾」/ 「已」諮詢的意見",

而 fake consultation 就更貼近發問者的意思, 即向人民問意見, 但在有回應之前已不打算認真處理.

雖然用詞上, fake consultation 似乎不及 pay lip service 像 "地道" 英語, 但至少 fake consultation 在港台英文報導也有使用,

2009-05-07 12:56 am
在下雖然投票予 alaslee80 之答案 (004作答者), 但並不認同其於意見欄上(意見 032)侮辱另一作答者 Garlic 2010 之低劣行為!
2009-05-05 6:26 pm

解釋 : 在口頭上許人以好處,卻沒有付諸實踐。

(資料來自 : 國語辭典)

意思上和 "假諮詢" 有點出入

假 的解釋 : 不真的、虛偽的、人造的。

諮詢 的 解釋 : 諮商、詢問。

所以我覺得用 "fake consultation" 比較貼切。
2009-05-05 5:31 pm
003 和 004 的答案都很不俗,不過二選一的話我會選 004。

Pay lip service 的意思近於 <口惠而實不至>,或 <口不對心>,<講一套做一套> 之類的意思。

而 fake consultation 則更直接地表達出 <虛假的諮詢> 之意,比
Pay lip service 更貼近發問者的原意。
2009-05-03 4:09 pm
Pay lip service
= consent in one's words while dissenting in one's heart
The government pays lip service to the suggestion of the advisory committee.


2009-05-05 01:12:52 補充:
fake consultation 是中文直譯,fake 用於物件為多,half-hearted consultation 是較地道英語。

2009-05-06 01:12:39 補充:
段新聞要 quote and unquote fake 因為譯者找不到一個適合的字表達假咨詢,惟有 quote and unquote fake,即是說 fake 跟本不是一個適合的字,fraudulent 都比 fake 好。

2009-05-06 01:17:17 補充:
The opposition accused the government of conducting a fake public consultation.
The opposition accused the government of paying lip service to the public consultation.

2009-05-06 01:22:26 補充:

2009-05-06 02:59:18 補充:
the quotation mark is the prove.

2009-05-07 05:08:14 補充:
The fact is baggio4182007 asks his ring members to vote for a particular answer. The fact is Ken is baggio4182007's fervent supporter of such action.
The fact is 賣人情。你投我,我投你,互相幫助。

2009-05-07 05:09:08 補充:
Ken, say hi for me to whom it may concern.

2009-05-07 05:10:27 補充:
By Ken's logic, Ken is publicidforgarlicdog.

2009-05-09 02:49:45 補充:
題目為「假咨詢,英文點寫」,題目沒有講明是一句怎樣的句子,如果要一個名詞,consultation 一字是不能少的,「假咨詢」我理解是怎樣對待這個咨詢,即是動詷,pay lip service 是一個正確且「英語」的譯法。

2009-05-09 03:00:48 補充:
假咨詢要一個名詞,half-hearted consultation 比 fake consultation 好,一個咨詢做足工夫又怎能說是 fake,做不足工夫自然是 heart-hearted。最重要是當位者對結果是重視還是 pay lip service。

2009-05-09 03:05:36 補充:
whatiswhat, you have too many fake id's to prove yourself creditable. Wake up.

2009-05-09 03:36:00 補充:
You can say anything but the fact remains

2009-05-09 22:54:01 補充:
不知是否找到 fake 字就太高興,冇睇內容
fake decision 係講
fake photocopy of a supposed certified true copy of a two-page decision of the tribunal’s second division
a fake object, a fake identity

2009-05-09 23:09:32 補充:
講 how to fake it,內容要幽人一默,fake 係個英文形容詞,用 fake 字有乜問題﹖文中大部份 fake 字都係講 fake identity
fake music expert, fake music geek

2009-05-09 23:14:46 補充:
whatiswhat, your so-called fact 3 is not a fact. I wrote the email to Baggio AFTER I noticed that Baggio voted for an inferior answer. I sent him a second email AFTER Baggio told his friends how to vote.

2009-05-09 23:18:09 補充:
a fake consultation 唔係錯,不過唔係最好,我早已回應
Your fact 1 is not true.

2009-05-09 23:21:15 補充:
我係話 a fake consultation 唔係錯,不過唔係好。
2009-05-03 7:36 am
False Advisory

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