of 可以做adjective?

2009-04-22 3:35 am
係一本教科書中出現了 People claim young people should be protected from movies that are of an unhealthy nature.
其中of 於 動詞 are 之後。從未見過這樣的用法,請教一下。

回答 (4)

2009-04-22 5:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
or we can say -
People claim young people should be protected from movies of an unhealthy nature.

The chair is made of wood
The bag is made in silk
The shoes are made of leather.

2009-04-21 21:38:47 補充:
of unhealthy nature = adjective phrase here in this sentence
2009-05-03 5:45 am
This is the key point in answering the question:

of unhealthy nature = adjective phrase here in this sentence
2009-04-22 12:52 pm
of 是 preposition 不是 adjective,of 有點像中文「屬於」的意思。

Tom is a student of F.3C. 很容易明白,對不對。

以下句子中的 of 都有 possessing certain quality (有某種特質) 的意思:
He is a man of great ability.
She is a woman of great determination.
People of different persuasions cannot work together. (不同信念的人不能共事。)

將這三句用 relative clause 寫出來就成為:
He is a man who is of great ability.
She is a woman who is of great determination.
People who are of different persuasions cannot work together.

People claim young people should be protected from movies [that are] of an unhealthy nature.

is + of 後面是名詞,有/屬於某種特質 的意思
其他 is + of + 名詞 的例子:
This operation is of great importance to the safety of the country.

Protecting the computers against intrusion is of the highest priority for the IT people.

This treaty between the two countries is of great political significance.

Web sites that are of obscene nature are blocked by our server.

2009-05-06 23:56:27 補充:
The only truth is Baggio4182007 sent emails to his friends telling them which answer to vote for.
2009-04-22 5:15 am
你好,我并不认为 of 在这里是个形容词,反而它是个介词 (preposition) 来的。

所以,我觉得 of 在这句子里的意思是“含有”。

希望能帮到你咯。。。: )

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