Psych Verb

2009-04-09 10:30 am
1. David was irritated by her remarks.
2. David was irritated at her remarks.

Any different between 1 and 2 ???

3. We are very / much surprised by his sudden appearance
4. He is *very / (very) much respected by his student.
5. The management is very satisfied with his performance.

Why *very of 4 is wrong???

Plz tell me... they confuse me.
Answer in Chinese is better.......Thz

回答 (2)

2009-04-09 3:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1, 2 都是正確的句子,Irritated 是動詞亦是形容詞。

第一句中,irritated 是動詞,這句是用被動式寫出來的。主動式寫法就是
Her remarks irritated David.
句子意思是 David 被她的話激怒。

第二句的 irritated 是形容詞,憤怒的意思,David 為她的說話而發怒,可能有人告訴 David,可能 David 自己聽到,句子意思是 David 對她的話感到很憤怒。

surprised (3), satisfied (5) 都是形容詞,因此前面可以加 very。

respected (4) 是動詞,動詞前當然不能加 very 咯。
I very respect my teacher.
I respect my teacher very much.

He is respected by his students very much.
He is (very) much respected by his students.

First of all, both 1 and 2 are correct. Irritated is a verb and also an adjective.

In 1, irritated is a verb. The sentence is in passive voice form. The sentence in active voice is
Her remarks irritated David.

In 2, irritated is an adjective, meaning angry. David was irritated (angry) at her remarks. Perhaps someone told David about her remarks, or he heard it himself. How David knew of her remarks, we don't know. But we know that her remarks made David angry.

surprised in (3) and satisfied in (5) are adjectives. Therefore you can put very in front of the adjectives.

respected in (4) is a verb in passive voice form. You cannot put very in front of a verb, can you?
It is wrong to say:
I very respect my teacher.

You have to say:
I respect my teacher very much.

The same applies to passive voice.
He is respected by his students very much.
He is (very) much respected by his students.

2009-04-10 05:59:48 補充:
I am scared of dogs. (adjective, general phenomenon)
I am scared of that particular dog. (adjective, also general phenomenon)
I was scared by that dog. (passive voice, a particular incident)
2009-04-10 7:11 am


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