Is my personal statement for my CV okay or does it need amending?

2009-04-06 11:45 pm
Note: This is only for a part time student job, what else should I include to stand out?

回答 (4)

2009-04-07 8:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello there

You could include what achievements you have, your area of expertise and even some interesting personal hobbies, for example charity work, etc. If you do not have many interests or experience try and include aspirations in both academic and work experience.

Good luck
2016-10-26 2:54 am
Sounds sturdy, besides the actual undeniable truth that i'm no professional. after I've looked for the thanks to write down a cv, that's stated upload what artwork you favor, e.g i'm searching for an element time pastime in retail... only a theory :)
2009-04-07 9:21 am
dear all
Who know the Tel No 441612369110
What"s the company ?
Where the tel ?
2009-04-07 12:15 am
I have no idea. Perhaps you could include your personal statement so that we could give you some pointers...

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