關於這句sentence, 點解 ?

2009-04-05 2:26 am
Original : (未修改)

One difference between television news reporting and the coverage provided by newspapers is the time factor between the actual happening of an event and the time it takes to be reported. The problem is that instantaneous coverage is physically impossible for newspapers.

Revised version :

Television news reporting differs from that of newspapers in that
television, unlike newspapers, can provide instantaneous coverage of events as they happen.

想請問 differs from that of newspapers in that television 這句係咪有問題呢 ? 即係咩意思 ?


回答 (7)

2009-04-05 4:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
我想" differs from that of newspapers is that television ....."
in 可能是is 才對。
Television news reporting differs from that of newspapers in that
television, unlike newspapers, can provide instantaneous coverage of events as they happen電視的新聞報告有別於報紙的報導,就是電視不同報紙,它可以在事件發生的當時,便提供即時的報導。
2009-04-15 2:03 am
Clause + in that + clause 係特定的句子結構.

'in that' 解「在於…」

A differs from B in that ... .

e.g. http://www.allinterview.com/showanswers/54794.html


如果改用is, 結構應改動為

Their difference is that ... .
("Their difference"係 noun phrase, 而不是 clause)
2009-04-06 10:15 am


2009-04-06 8:43 am
同意 003 講這句冇問題,只是分把句子分拆錯。
Television news reporting differs from that of newspapers 是一句,不能拆開。

2009-04-06 00:46:15 補充:
電視和報紙 differ in what way?
in that television, unlike newspapers, can provide instantaneous coverage of events as they happen.
2009-04-05 5:17 am
2009-04-05 4:26 am

The phrase 'unlike newspapers' acts as an explanation or aditional information to the sentence of 'television news reporting can provide instananeous coverage of events as they happen'.


'Television news reporting differs from that of newspapers in that
television, unlike newspapers, can provide instantaneous coverage of events as they happen.'

can also be expressed as follows:

Television news reporting differs from that of newspapers in that
television (unlike newspapers) can provide instantaneous coverage of events as they happen.

Hence, 'differs from that of newspapers in that television' can not be regarded as a complete sentence or phrase and that was probably the reason why you felt it sounded strange.
參考: myself
2009-04-05 2:46 am

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