✔ 最佳答案
A huge amount of public funds are required to handle the situation.
A more advanced education can help gifted children to exploit their potentials
2009-03-29 23:38:02 補充:
A huge amount of public funds are required to handle the incident.
2009-04-05 22:57:25 補充:
DingLingDongLong 多謝你的意見,explore 是個不錯的用字,不過我仍覺得 exploit 較貼切。
exploit 作開採、發掘、利用解也是中性的。
2009-04-06 12:22:41 補充:
2009-04-06 12:42:58 補充:
意見004 taken. It should be potential instead of potentials although potentials can be used in some other situations.
2009-04-06 12:45:19 補充:
On 意見 006,the role of government is understood by the word public funds.
2009-04-06 13:03:17 補充:
I must have trouble with numbers. 意見005 on potential is taken. 意見004, the role of government is understood.
2009-04-06 13:46:12 補充:
On 意見003,for someone to exploit his own potential or talents, through self-enhancement, etc., is not negative.