
2009-03-28 11:57 am
School is an environment for adult-child interaction and for children to interact with their peers. There are various issues related to the education of this group of students and it is essential that the educational program be flexible enough to accommodate these needs; the program must be organized around the strategies that tend to change over time. The activities engaged in during the first few years of life are naturally reinforced and given continuity through formal schooling. Furthermore, it is in school that children will encounter different opportunities for gradually developing and exercising their independence, deepening their social relationships and integration while in a protective setting that is organized to foster their development


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2009-03-28 12:45 pm
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School is an environment for adult and child interaction, most importantly for children to interact with their peers. There are various issues related to the education of the students and it is essential that the educational program to be flexible enough to accommodate these needs; the program must be organized around the strategies that tend to change over time. The activities engaged in during the first few years of life are naturally reinforced and given continuity through formal schooling. Furthermore, it is in school that children will encounter different opportunities for gradually developing and practice their self esteem and independence. Seeking more about their social relationships and integration while in a protective enviorment that is organized to foster their development

2009-03-30 20:31:28 補充:
學校環境主要是教導學生與成人之關希, 最重要的是學生們之間的互動. 學校課程有些不理想的課程但重要的是課程要以學生來做適當的評估. 剛入學的前幾年需要培養與教導他們對後續的學習以及耐力. 當然的在學習的同時, 學生們會在一個安全的環境當中來體驗到各種不同的機會來幫助他們找到自我, 興趣及他人的關西.

希望這樣子清楚喔 有問題可以再問我
參考: 外國留學十年的我
2009-03-29 3:51 am
2009-03-28 4:09 pm

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