English passive voice 20marks

2009-03-27 7:19 am
change the sentences in the passive voice
1 The workers are repairing the road.
2 They are going to pull down that old building.
3 They gave me 24 hours to make my decision.
4 You can send your assignment by e-mail.
5 The teacher made him do the exercise again.
6 The singer will release her new album next week.
7 They will have finished the report by the end of this month.
8 I'm sure she has sent her application.
9 Every driver ought to obey traffic rules.
10 I doubt that we should tell herthe truth now.
11 She heard him say that.
12 They used to broadcast all programmes live.
13 You have left out his name.
14 They were giving out the names of the prize-winners when a fight
broke out.

回答 (3)

2009-03-27 1:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1 The workers are repairing the road. [present cont.]
The road is being repaired by the workers. [road: 單數, 用 is]
2 They are going to pull down that old building.
That old building is going to [/will] be pulled down [by them].
3 They gave me 24 hours to make my decision. [simple past]
I was given 24 hours [by them] to make my decision.
4 You can send your assignment by e-mail. [can]
Your assignment can be sent [by you] by e-mail.
5 The teacher made him do the exercise again. [simple past]
He was made (by the teacher) to do the exercise again.
6 The singer will release her new album next week. [simple future]
The singer's new album will be released [by her] next week.
7 They will have finished the report by the end of this month. [future perfect]
The report will have been finished [by them] by the end of this month.
8 I'm sure she has sent her application. [present perfect]
I'm sure her application has been sent by her.
9 Every driver ought to obey traffic rules. [ought]
Traffic rule ought to be obeyed by every driver.
10 I doubt that we should tell herthe truth now. [should]
I doubt that she should be told the truth by us now.
11 She heard him say that. [simple past]
He was heard to say that by her. [hear後跟bare~ 但變了被動就跟返to]
12 They used to broadcast all programmes live. [simple past]
All programmes were used to broadcast live [by them].
13 You have left out his name. [present perfect]
His name has been left out [by you].
14 They were giving out the names of the prize-winners when a fight broke out. [past cont.]
The names of the prize-winners were being given out [by them] when a fight broke out.
p.s. active轉passive~
最重要認清主動句中的主角 - 動詞 - 配角~
(綠色字為主要被動句~ 其他為附加的枝節~)
動詞要注意原本的 tense~ 跟住黎變~
(be [is/am/are/was/were/been/being] + past participle)
(They, it 之類不知道是誰的~ 其實都可以不用加 "by___"~)
↑上面 ( ) 代表可加可不加~ [ ] 代表最好不要加~
Hope this helps~~

2009-03-31 8:13 am
12 They used to broadcast all programmes live. [simple past]

Used to is a modal verb. It expresses the idea that something happened continuously or frequently, during a period in the past.
Used to is not a transitive verb here and hence cannot be transformed into passive form.

2009-03-31 00:13:56 補充:
The passive form of the sentence should be
All programmes were broadcast live in the past.
2009-03-28 1:40 am
1 The workers are repairing the road.
The road is being repaired by the workers

2 They are going to pull down that old building.
That old building is going to be pulled down by them.

3 They gave me 24 hours to make my decision.
I am given 24 hours to make my decision by them. or
I am given 24 hours by them to make my decision.

4 You can send your assignment by e-mail.
Your assignment can be sent by you by e-mail.

5 The teacher made him do the exercise again.
He is made to do the exercise again by the teacher.

6 The singer will release her new album next week.
The new album will be released by the singer next week.

7 They will have finished the report by the end of this month.
The report will have been finished by them by the end of this month.

8 I'm sure she has sent her application.
I'm sure the application has been sent by her.

9 Every driver ought to obey traffic rules.
Traffic rules are ought to be obeyed by every driver.

10 I doubt that we should tell herthe truth now.
I doubt that the truth should be told by us now.

11 She heard him say that.
She heard that is said by him.

12 They used to broadcast all programmes live.
The programmes were used to broadasted live by them.

13 You have left out his name.
His name has been left out by you.

14 They were giving out the names of the prize-winners when a fight broke out.
The names of the prize-winners were being given out by them when a fight broke out.

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