
2009-03-24 10:57 am



回答 (5)

2009-03-24 11:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear customer, think you once again for buying our product.
We are deeply sorry to know your dissatisfactory towards the package of the product.
For our business only on the developing / begining stage, we are highly and greatly in need of your comments and supports. Therefore, if you are pleased after using our product, we earnestly request that you could tolerate the problem of our packaging, granting us a positive comment and also a second chance.
We would certainly be more caution to avoid any simlar situations, so that all of our customers would feel satisfied. Thank you for your valuable [貴重的] / invaluable [非常貴重的] comments.

Hope this helps~~

Wishing you the very best of luck and a prosperous future in your business~!!

2009-03-31 01:48:42 補充:
其實有一些是沒為意~(如know 和 know of的分別)
而另一些則是真的不小心~ (如packaging 和 cautious)
(因為前一些日子我都在清晨時份答問題... 其實也不怎麼在狀態...)

以後我也會小心注意的~~ (Be cautious~~^^")
2009-03-31 9:29 am
maskin6's comment is fair enough.

I am a little surprised at the numerous mistakes found in the answer by ☆~↘DingLingDongLong↙~☆, who has contributed many good answers to Yahoo Knowledge+. The answer would have been better if the answerer had proofread her writing.

2009-03-31 01:32:00 補充:
We are sorry to know of (or learn of) your dissatisfaction towards the packaging of our product.
Note the difference in meaning of know and know of.
2009-03-27 3:53 am
Hello, again many thanks purchase our commodity.
knew your excellency, because on the goods packing feels discontented, we deeply feel the regret.
newly opened store's we are very need your opinion and the support, if your excellency after using our commodity, was that the satisfied words, request earnestly your excellency to perform the excuse me to the packing question, gives us an opportunity and the high praise. We will be able to perform surely in the future to improve, the command possesses the customers to be satisfied, many thanks your valued suggestion.
2009-03-24 5:12 pm
How are you. Thank you again for purchasing our product.

We deeply regret that you are dissatified with the packaging of the goods.

As a newcomer, we are greatly in need of your valueable opinion and support. I do believe that you will find high quality in our product which we hope will gain your pardon for the deficiecny in the packaging.

Please give us another opportunity, we assure you of our determination to make improvement to satisfy every customer.

We thank you for your most valueable opinion.
2009-03-24 12:23 pm
Greetings. Thank you for purchasing our products again. We feel deeply sorry for the fact that you are not satisfied with the packaging. We are a new business which needs your opinions and support very much. If you use our products with satisfaction, please express your opinions on the packaging column. This can give us a chance for improvement and thus every customers of ours will be satisfied. Thank you for your valuable opinion.

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