
2009-03-10 6:31 pm

回答 (8)

2009-03-10 7:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
所謂禮儀師, 是專指殯葬禮儀師而言, 其工作內容是臨終關懷/業務接洽/接體/入殮豎靈/治喪協調/流程安排/奠禮佈置/出殯/火化撿骨/進塔(安葬)/後續關懷(百日、對年通知/相關問題諮商)等.
所以並不涉及殯葬業以外的其他禮儀, 建議可譯為:
funeral instructor (具殯儀證照者)
funeral worker (殯葬從業人員)

2009-03-10 11:43:42 補充:
一般來說, 殯儀業者稱為undertaker.
在美國, 殯葬業承辦人稱為mortician.

2009-03-10 23:56:15 補充:
殯葬禮儀是Funeral etiquette沒錯, 但禮儀師卻不是Funeral etiquette instructor/specialist/professional/expert/technician等等, 因為網路幾乎搜尋不到這樣的稱呼, 只能算作解釋性用語而已.

2009-03-10 23:56:26 補充:
中文不久以前並無禮儀師一詞, 它是因應政府新近開辦喪禮服務丙級技術士檢定考試所新創的名稱, 在英語國家本來就概稱為undertaker或mortician或funeral director, 我國官方對禮儀師的英譯, 只怕至今尚付之闕如, 所以不必懷疑懷疑 funeral director or undertaker需要知道這麼細部, 因為這些工作內容本來就是undertaker/mortician的本行事務.

2009-03-11 00:06:33 補充:
但如果把etiquette一字移除, 下面卻是google搜尋結果:
"funeral undertaker"帶引號: 7010例
"funeral mortician"帶引號: 1280例
"funeral professional"帶引號: 4240例
所以, 老外在稱呼上並不需要把etiquette一字納入.

2009-03-11 00:15:32 補充:
"funeral specialist"帶引號: 2290例
"funeral expert"帶引號: 1310例
"funeral professional"帶引號: 4240例
"funeral technician"帶引號: 151例
"funeral etiquette specialist"帶引號: 1例
"funeral etiquette professional"帶引號: 0例
"funeral etiquette technician"帶引號: 0例
"funeral etiquette instructor"帶引號: 0例

2009-03-11 00:19:32 補充:
回答內容使用圖文並茂的編輯是很值得鼓勵的, 但基本條件是要正確才有意義.

2009-03-12 15:11:51 補充:
您言重了, 回答就是要認真回答, 太過"輕鬆"只怕會誤導學子.
別扯到頭銜, "大師"是被自動加的, 不是我自命的, 與回答問題根本不搭嘎.
參考: the Internet
2009-03-12 5:35 am
"undertaker" is the most common used in a subtle way, instead of saying the word "funeral" directly.

there was as TV series "6 feet under" which is about undertaker this profession.
2009-03-10 11:01 pm
>> 殯葬禮儀為 Funeral etiquette (發音為 'etiket)
Funeral etiquette instructor/specialist/professional
這個在台灣有設培訓班需再考證照, 可以說是專業人士了(professional)
>> Funeral director
>> Funeral make-up artist


Funeral Etiquette

2009-03-10 16:08:56 補充:
A funeral director (also known as a mortician or undertaker) is someone involved in the business of funeral rites. The job often entails the burial or cremation of the dead, as well as the planning and arrangement of the actual funeral ceremony.

2009-03-10 16:09:10 補充:
Funeral director or undertaker 乃承辦人非禮儀師也, 其職務包括殯葬儀式規劃及安排, 下葬及火化...禮儀師的工作可能要比較細點, 禮儀工作基本上是一項技術...

請看下列 -- "殯葬禮儀師的證照要如何去考取?"

2009-03-10 16:09:26 補充:


2009-03-10 16:09:39 補充:

2009-03-10 16:09:48 補充:

所以我很懷疑 funeral director or undertaker 需要知道這麼細部?...

2009-03-10 16:15:27 補充:
所以, 我覺得禮儀師是尊稱, 其實工作上等於一個 Technician (技術士)...即
"funeral etiquette technician"...

2009-03-11 21:53:36 補充:
你這個人也真奇怪, 一切只是在證明你是對的, 有必要這樣花費精神嗎?...

2009-03-11 21:58:07 補充:
這不禁令人想到您那個大師頭銜真是幾百斤重阿, 好重阿...呵...放輕鬆點吧, 老兄...
2009-03-10 10:51 pm
Information adopted from MSN movies.

=> 禮儀師, undertaker

2009-03-10 14:52:01 補充:
Director Yojiro Takita and writer Kundo Koyama examine the rituals surrounding death in Japan with this tale of an out-of-work cellist who accepts a job as a "Nokanashi" or "encoffineer" (the Japanese equivalent of an undertaker)

2009-03-10 14:52:22 補充:
in order to provide for himself and his young wife.

2009-03-10 14:53:39 補充:
Other references:
2009-03-10 9:18 pm

Mortician 喪禮承辦人
Funeral Director 喪禮承辦人
Funeral Make Up Artist 化妝師

2009-03-10 23:11:34 補充:
這是一個位於南加 有相當規模墓園的網站


參考: 自己有預購葬儀服務
2009-03-10 6:59 pm
Mortician or understaker
2009-03-10 6:53 pm
Make Up Artist
( 禮儀師 )
2009-03-10 6:38 pm
禮儀師 Make Up Artist


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