試食(動詞), 試食區域 的英文是什麼?

2009-02-03 7:23 pm
試食(動詞), 試食區域 的英文是什麼?

回答 (3)

2009-02-03 9:23 pm
✔ 最佳答案
試食(動詞) = sample
e.g. We sampled food from different countries in the the food fair.
試食區域 You may call it "Food sampling zone" or "Food sampling area".

2009-02-03 13:39:04 補充:
試食(名詞) = food sampling
試食(動詞) = sample the food
2009-02-03 8:14 pm
試食(動詞) = "taste-test"
may be you can try: 品嚐(動詞) = "degust" or "taste"

"degust" in English means: the action of tasting especially in a series of small portions.


(名詞)= tasting

試食區域 ~ u can use "degustation" (名詞)
2009-02-03 7:50 pm
試食 - maybe you say that as "taste testing"... eg. The gourmet judges are taste testing the food from the competition.

試食區域 - I don't think there is a word for this. But perhaps you can call that "Taste Testing Panel"... which is the table (or area) where people would taste test the food
參考: me

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