Econ about opportunity cost

2009-01-27 8:50 pm
A large number of departing tourists were delayed at the airport in HK during a typhoon. suppose they were delayed 24 hours on average.

i) explain whether their opportunity cost of that visit to HK would
have changed as a result of the delay

ii) during that 24 hours, tourists were either waiting in the airport or
had free hotel accomodation arranged for them. Explain whether your answer in (i) depends on which situation they were in.

我唔明點解答案會係cost 上升左.....


回答 (2)

2009-02-06 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你認為 opportunity cost 不變, 是因為你覺得在風暴襲港這種處境中, tourists 是沒有任何選擇的.

但是, 在問題 ii) 之中已補充了, 在航機 delay 期間, tourists 其實是可以選擇繼續在機場等候, 或者接受免費住宿安排.

因此, 選擇在機場等候的 opportunity cost, 是在酒店免費休息的機會, 暫時離開緊張的環境放鬆一下;

而選擇暫離機場的 opportunity cost, 就是及時了解最新航班消息的機會, 及在復航之後較快登機 (通常復航會很混亂, 較早在現場辦登機手續似乎較著數).

「Explain whether your answer in (i) depends on which situation they were in.」?


「請解釋你在 (i) 的回答, 是否視乎遊客們在甚麼處境來決定的.」

你或可考慮每個遊客的背景不同之處, 例如有些人要趕返外地公司上班, 刻不容緩; 又有些人已完成所有悠閒假期, 遲一兩天回國也沒有問題.

2009-02-06 13:13:08 補充:
one more thing: nobody knows when exactly the typhoon leaves, so it's worth waiting if you wish to get back home quickly

2009-02-07 12:04:45 補充:
IF "This is not a bad answer but a bad question" then I guess 003 & 004 are not bad opinions either.
2009-02-07 9:41 am
This is not a bad answer but a bad question. (i) and (ii) can be independent questions but the question setter has in mind a certain answer and he/she expects the candidates to think along that line.

2009-02-07 02:05:43 補充:
In real life, we do not have a control environment and cannot limit other thins to being constant. To answer question (ii) in relation to (i) properly, the question requires more advanced understanding of economic concepts than the CE candidates can cope.

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