English question

2009-01-15 6:54 pm
點解many more可以一齊用?

Residents have flocked back to Hong Kong and many more plan to come back soon.

回答 (3)

2009-01-24 3:33 am
earthly 塵世的things shall pass ( go away. pass away) and we therefore ought to live for eternity永恆.
2009-01-20 9:48 am
保護動物者, plan is the verb of the second part of the sentence. There is no doubt about it.
Many more (people) plan to come back soon.

2009-01-20 01:59:47 補充:
Can we be a little more sensible? Do not take anyone pointing out mistakes as your 殺父仇人. Silence them with your explanation, not your pistol if you think their remarks on your answer is not justified.

2009-01-20 02:01:48 補充:
If that someone pisses you off, report it to Yahoo. Yelling like hell only invites more attack and gives your attackers more fun.

2009-01-20 02:12:42 補充:
果度有間屋 = There is a house. This is the first thing students of Hong Kong should be taught.

2009-01-20 02:24:59 補充:
whatiswhat, why care about layeeeng or simonchan. You are not answering this thread either. Let them off your mind.

2009-01-20 03:08:55 補充:
I believe that ignoring unreasonable attacks is the best policy.

2009-01-20 03:09:51 補充:
That is only my 2 cents.

2009-01-22 02:30:02 補充:
Keep on barking, simonchan0909
2009-01-20 8:05 am
Ladies and gentlemen,
This guy is Simonchan in disguise who has been messing around here.
layeeeng= simonchan

小學級 5 級= 003
點數: 103 (本週+103)
回答採用率: 0% (0/0)
發問回答率: 0% (0/1)
他的Blog: 不公開
他的粉絲: 0人


See all his posts, guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He only came online to attack people!
Poor XXXXX, he really has nothing else to do every day.
I really pity him so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
002 baggio4182007

Discount of NT$ 500 for any purchase up to NT$ 5,000 on April 24

消費滿5000元 = any purchase up to NT$ 5,000 ?????????


layeeeng ( 小學級 5 級 )

2009-01-19 15:04:50

同意003 garlic2010 上半截, 但不知近年是否可以不用逗号
baggio的defining or non-defining clause 真係廢話, 不知所謂

其實simon錯在敢討論whatiswhat的聖旨, 冒犯個班友
佢一共回答了六條問題,其中四題與whatiswhat有關,咁就係 attack 'me' non-stop?經常發放假知識胡鬧? 似係班友追殺佢多D!重鬧人XXXXXXXXX!

毁屍滅蹟重要聲大夾惡,唔想同人地回答同一問題就取消全部四題啦,點解只是DELETE一題? 死撑!!!!聲大夾惡兄弟多都無用架, 大家的眼睛是雪亮的,係咪錯到九彩呀?

baggio 又叫人開新post, 人地開咗新post佢又玩失蹤, 唔該佢解釋個兩句的sentence structure 有甚麽唔同!!!
We must start early, for it will take two hours to drive to the airport.
According to the literal rule, prostitutes are not allowed to solicit customers in the street for this is an illegal act.
whatiswhat都唔敢回應啦, baggio 重飛身死撑!!!!講野最叻就係打橫來講,移形換影, 人地講緊有無逗号,佢就話This useage can be found in many dictionaries too! 九唔答八!!!左閃右避!!!!

狗瘦主人羞, 佢地英文咁既樣,好心whatiswhat教下佢地啦!!!枉佢地奮不顧身護佢!!

2009-01-20 00:06:59 補充:

2009-01-20 00:18:30 補充:
Go get more new IDS and come back!

We are not like you who have to wear a mask and attack innocent people like
a troll !

2009-01-20 02:41:27 補充:
大佬呀! 我寧願你專心鬧人, 都唔好亂黎講英文啦

Garlic, are your eyes okay or what?

Did this flea only point out mistakes huh?

2009-01-20 02:46:41 補充:
I did not answer the question because I came here to shut this noob up.

By the way, why should I have to be nice to an insulter like him?

Don't you tell me I insulted him too because he started it in the first place!

2009-01-20 02:48:40 補充:
report it to Yahoo ????????? Excuse me! I don't get it!

Does Yahoo care about all these?

2009-01-20 02:54:56 補充:
By the way, I only typed. I did not yell at all!

Noobs in disguise will never make me mad and I am " ALWAYS" ready for all these annoying pricks.

2009-01-20 03:00:07 補充:
Silence them with your explanation, not your pistol if you think their remarks on your answer is not justified. <--------What are these?

Have you ever succeeded in silencing any of your enemies on Yahoo?


2009-01-20 03:06:06 補充:
Garlic, you really don't need to teach me how to act.

I am what I am and you are what you are.

Can't you just mind your own biz?

Live and let live. I am always going my way.

2009-01-20 03:37:27 補充:
When a flea is on one's head, it is very hard for one to ignore it tho.

You have just answered his question. His post was against my one typo!

Perhaps he has never mistyped, but I doubt it.

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