By 字的運用

2009-01-14 12:36 am
我想問 by this weekend 係指今個星期六之前定係今個星期六或之前呢??

請大家回答之餘都比多d examples 我,更好者可以比多d "by" 既用法,Thanks~~

咁我想問by this weekend 同 before this weekend 有咩分別??


咁我想再問點解唔可以用: Before this time next week, they will be in New York. 係唔係因為grammer 錯左? 咁如果講,"下個星期的同一時間,他們將會於new york" 只係可以用By this time next week?? Thanks

回答 (1)

2009-01-14 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
by this weekend = 今個星期六或之前
by this weekend = not later than this weekend 不遲於本週末
Hand in your work by Friday => Friday is the last day to hand in your work.

by a certain time in the future = 到那時候
Can you finish the work by 5 o'clock? 你可以在五點前完成嗎﹖
By this time next week, they will be in New York.

by a certain time in the future 動詞的時態多為 future perfect tense
I will have read the book once by this time tomorrow. 明天這時候我會(已經)把書讀完一遍。
He ought to have arrived by now (by this time). 這時候他應該已經抵逹。
By the time the postcard reaches you, I will have left the country. 你收到明信片時,我已經離開國家。

2009-01-14 08:47:03 補充:
You can use either
Hand in your work before Friday or Hand in your work by Friday
but the deadline is different.

2009-01-14 08:48:13 補充:
You cannot use before in this sentence:
By this time next week, they will be in New York.
Before this time next week, they will be in New York. (wrong)

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