英文問題 it is no doubt that

2009-01-13 8:51 am
1.it is no doubt that s.v.o.
2.there is no doubt that s.v.o.


ps.(1.) 點解it is 之後可以係no doubt
it is beautiful (adj)

回答 (3)

2009-01-13 10:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.It is no doubt that s.v.o. (1,2,3 are ALL CORRECT)
2.There is no doubt that s.v.o.
3) There could be no doubt that ( past tense)
is and be <----------are called " helping verbs" in English.

" no doubt" is an English phrase.片語

No doubt he didn't need me. ( you can place it in front of a sentence)
place this phrase right after the helping verb
It is<------helping verb no doubt that ................
One more example for you

No longer<-------------------不再 ( phrase )
- I am<---------helping verb no longer a kid. <----------------------- I am not a kid anymore(adverb).

I am no longer a kid. = I am not a kid anymore(adverb).

2009-01-13 11:53 am
Both sentences are correct but the structure of the sentences are different.

I explain (2) first, which is simpler.
There is = There exists
There is a man.
There is a slim chance that he will succeed.
There is no doubt that he will fail in the venture.
The sentence is just like "There is something".

(1) "It is no doubt that ..." is a different sentence structure.
"It" in this case is a "helping" subject and the real subject of the sentence is at the end of the sentence.

It is no doubt that he is a great person.
The sentence actually means to say
That is he is great person is no doubt.

Although "It" is a subject, the real subject is the noun clause "That he is a great person". It is just like the following example:

It is exciting to ride on the roller-coaster.
"It" is not referring to any person or any thing. "It" is just a subject.
What the sentence means is:
To ride on the roller-coaster is exciting.

I think your second question is why "It is" is not followed by an adjective and whether it is correct to have a noun after "it is".

The answer is yes.
It is a rumour that they are getting married.
It is not a rumour that they are getting married.
It is no rumour that they are getting married.

It is a doubt that they can finish the work in time.
It is not a doubt that they can finish the work in time.
It is no doubt that they can finish the work in time.
2009-01-13 10:10 am
1 and 2 are both correct. But I have seen (2) is more commonly used.

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