
2009-01-12 5:29 am


那種明知道對自己不好 可是還是硬要去做的<<<<


希望有英文高手替我解惑 0.0

回答 (6)

2009-01-12 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
版主所形容的這種**, 茲提供兩個片語:
(思想方面) indulge wicked thoughts 放縱不良想法 = **
(行動方面) commit wicked actions 從事不妥行動 = **

2009-01-13 14:23:31 補充:
I knew it wouldn't work, but I just did it indulging wicked thoughts.
我明知行不通的, 我偏就是**做了.
I must have committed a wicked action by issuing her that check!

2009-01-13 14:31:04 補充:
get bewitched **; 去乎鬼牽到(台語)
I never wanted to pay her that kind of money but I just got bewitched!
我根本不想給她那種錢的, 可我就是**! (可我就是去乎鬼牽到!)

2009-01-13 14:46:18 補充:
所謂「自找麻煩」、「自不量力」、「讓自己出醜」等, 都是**的體現或所產生的結果, 而不是「**」這詞語本身的意思.
**與「下賤、**、壞胚」的意思並不相同, 而是有「偏執、不理智」的含意.
參考: 自己的翻譯經驗
2009-01-13 9:29 am
Good job! Kevin

Another way to say it is:
You ask for it.

Meaning: To persist in an action despite the likelihood that it will bring trouble on oneself.

2009-01-13 01:36:55 補充:
For example:

She has repeatedly rejected your offer to help managing the project. Going ahead and engage others to start drilling down the requirements, you are just asking for it. She will get really pissed at you and report you to your boss even if you are doing it out of good intention.

2009-01-22 05:32:17 補充:
I don't agree with Cavalier's answer on this.
His/her answer on this does not truly reflect 那種明知道對自己不好 可是還是硬要去做的.

"wicked thoughts" means "evil thoughts"
See http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/wicked.
2009-01-13 1:48 am
在中文上, "**"有一種意思是: 明知道對自己不好 可是還是硬要去做的.

照版主的方向, 英文可以如下方式表達:

You are just asking for trouble! (自找麻煩)

You are just humiliating yourself! (作賤自己)

You are just making a fool out of yourself! (讓自己出醜)

2009-01-13 07:32:51 補充:
Thanks, Elisa!
2009-01-12 8:07 am
那種明知道對自己不好 可是還是硬要去做的
英文有解釋是 " 別自不量力 "
Do not bite off more than you can chew.
還不錯有禮貌的告訴他”**”..., 不知道是不是你要的.
2009-01-12 6:35 am

1. B-itch (名詞) 或是 bitchy (形容詞)

對男性則用 son of the bitch, 簡稱 "S.O.B."

**由於bitch太過不雅 可用"beach"取代**

例句: She is such a bitch to do such a thing!

She did such a bitchy thing!

This SOB dares to tell me what to do!

2. Chutzpah (名詞), 發音 [huts'pa] 這個本來是希伯來文,後來變成了英文單字。 意義是非常不要臉,**,放肆無理之意。

例句: He is a big chtzpah!
參考: me - 但是我不愛罵人的喔....
2009-01-12 5:33 am

n. (名詞 noun)
That bitch is always quarreling.

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