English:sentences problems

2009-01-10 5:53 am
1)We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
2)We apologize for any inconvenience may have caused.

I have seen above sentences in difference places.
Both sentences are correct in grammar? Also,I want to ask why the sentence 2 has two main verbs(aplogize & may have caused) and why the sencence 1 is passive voice,but the sentence 2 is active voice?
Please explain in detail.Thank you~

回答 (4)

2009-01-10 11:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
This sentence is correct.

The complete sentence may mean something like this:
We apologize for any inconvenience that is caused to you by the construction work.
(Construction work is just an example here)

"that is caused to you by the construction work" is a relative clause and it can be replaced by using a past participle as follows:

We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you by the construction work.

Passive voice is used because the inconvenience is caused by the construction work, or the construction work causes the inconvenience.

2)We apologize for any inconvenience may have caused.
This sentence is incorrect.

The correct sentence is
We apologize for any inconvenience that the construction work may have caused.
(Replace construction work with whatever is causing the inconvenience)
"that" can be omitted without affecting the sentence.

The second sentence is made up of two clauses:
1. We apologize for any inconvenience (main clause)
2. the construction work may have caused (relative clause to describe what inconvenience the sentence is talking about)

Without a subject (or "this" in 002's answer) in the second part, the sentence is not correct.

The sentence is in active voice because something causes the inconvenience.

Remember this, there is only one verb in a clause. The second sentence is made up of two clauses, there are two verbs in the sentence.
2009-01-10 12:52 pm
It should be "We apologize for any inconveniences may have caused."
2009-01-10 7:41 am
1)We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
2)We apologize for any inconvenience may have caused.

"apologize" ====100 % verb
1)We apologize for any inconvenience caused ( by something).( passive voice)
For example:
I am reading a book written by " name". <-------( same as 1))
I am reading a book which is written by "XXXXX".( another way of writing it.) passive voice

2)We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Similar sentence below
We apologize (verb) for any inconvenience we have caused you.(present perfect tense in active voice)

this may have caused <-------------- this may have caused any inconvenience ( active voice here)
Something may have caused any inconvenience ( We are sorry about that)
First, we apologize( verb) for any convenience<---------
this may (modal verb) have( helping verb) caused( past participle).<------------------
so we need 2 verbs.
" may " = modal verb is used to refer to the past ( have +caused)
Scroll down to the bottom of the link above and you will see how they are used.

2009-01-09 23:47:21 補充:
I apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused you .( this is correct too)

2009-01-10 03:34:48 補充:

2009-01-10 03:37:30 補充:
You need a subject there.

( this /something) may have caused any inconvenience<---------------------

any inconvenience (this/something) may have caused<-------------------

2009-01-10 03:45:03 補充:
It is NOT ( any inconvenience may have caused )

It is ( this/something) may have caused ( inconvenience)<---------------

For example ( the delay)

The delay may have caused ( inconvenience)

2009-01-10 03:45:48 補充:
We apologize for any inconvenience the delay may have caused.

(The delay may have caused( inconvenience). We are sorry for that.)
2009-01-10 6:35 am
唔可以話 1) 唔岩grammar ge...
只係感覺上好似有d 多餘:
1)We apologize for any inconvenience caused.
二黎通常都會講 We apologize for any inconvenience 就算~
inconvenience 係有野發生時先會有...所以係by something or someone.. passive voice 會好好多...

2) 係想表達 we make you feel so inconvenience~...Sorry~
如果你話有人同我say sorry,我會接受 2) 多d囉~...

2009-01-09 22:38:27 補充:
apologize 係呢到ge 唔係verb...
等於 I am Sorry. <--入面ge sorry 一樣~

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