
2009-01-08 5:36 am


回答 (5)

2009-01-08 7:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
才可以的英文is : then you may......
1) under certain circumstances... then you may...在某情況下... 才可以
2) Unless... then you may... 除非....才可以
3) Conditionally.. then you may 附有條件地... 才可以
例: Unless your homework is finished, then you may go for swimming.
參考: Own
2009-02-26 12:31 am
Eica & Garlic, Shut up!!!!!
You sobs stop criticizing people with this manner, stop playing God or fu***** English masters. Just do your own part in this forum & mind your own f**--- biz.
2009-01-09 4:52 am
Unless your homework is finished, then you may go swimming.犯了邏輯上的錯誤。'Unless...' is a condition for 'then you may...'
Unless your homework is finished, you may not go swimming.

If your homework is finished, then you may go swimming.

2009-01-08 21:00:27 補充:
Unless means 'if not', we can rewrite my first sentence above as:
If your homework is not finished, then you may not go swimming.---If.....then-----> conditional or circumstantial
'If.....then' should be used instead of 'Unless...then'.
2009-01-08 4:39 pm
我估你的意思是 要如此/只有 這樣,才可以那樣

Use the word only
You can succeed only by working hard. 只有努力才可以成功
You can reach the temple on foot only. 只有徒步才可以到那間廟去

Use the word before and after
You can watch TV after you have done your homework.
Finish your homework before you watch TV.

2009-01-09 00:41:07 補充:
Under certain circumstances... then you may...
"then" is redundant here
Under certain circumstances... you may...

2009-01-09 00:43:34 補充:
The question is too vague to give a specific answer. There are many ways to express the idea.

2009-01-09 00:44:10 補充:
No doubt the answer is wrong.
2009-01-08 12:13 pm
SO THAT U CAN.............

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