
2009-01-07 1:29 pm

回答 (5)

2009-01-11 1:17 am
關於意見002, 101,Baggio 可問問另一位知識長。不過我也想講,答題、意見、評論、評價,各有其功用,各人有不同的原因選擇回答那些問題,對問題冇興趣但對答案很感興趣而提出意見者也有之,「你咁叻你做黎睇吓」來反對別人的意見,還是參看一下別人的意見,這是個人的選擇,不過我會選擇後者。關於意見003,各人有不同的投選標準,我是基於回答是否對問題提供好的答案來決
2009-01-08 8:55 am
我想 Baggio 的意思是如果問題中有些意見是有用的,若「無滿意答案」票勝出問題便會被系統取消,有用的意見也隨之失去。這問題我倒沒有想過,這個講法也十分合理。

2009-01-08 03:59:10 補充:
Baggio, I do not understand what you want to say in 001. What has someone putting additional information in the opinion section to do with voting? Don't we vote on the quality of the answer, not the opinion. Do you?

2009-01-08 04:00:50 補充:
If the answer does not merit the vote, do not vote for it or choose 無滿意答案 if that is available. Isn't that the way to vote? Please enlighten me.

2009-01-08 04:13:13 補充:
It is true that opinion, especially one that does not agree with the posted answer, will influence voters' decision. Does that do a service, not a disservice, to the voters to make a more informed decision.

2009-01-08 04:14:07 補充:
Can that opinion not be of some help the thread owner too? Whose welfare should we be concerned with, the asker or the answerer?

2009-01-08 06:08:39 補充:
Pointing out mistakes, like walking on a tightrope, is always a very sensitive thing to do. Pointing out mistakes in a voted or chosen answer is not the same as bad mouthing that answer or degrading the person who answers. I do believe we are mature enough to distinguish between the two.

2009-01-08 06:45:23 補充:
I do not articulate the best of my idea and I cannot ask people to take it easy either when they feel hurt by my comment. I'll try to use better words but I can't change other people's feeling.

2009-01-09 01:02:40 補充:
Whatiswhat, you are so considerate. I'll do that next time.
2009-01-07 9:28 pm
From now on I just hope everyone can do the right thing with a good heart.
2009-01-07 8:52 pm
Please go to my 評論 , folks!

Show us the word" typhoon" was FROM CANTONESE too!

Baggio is so right! Do people look smarter when they step on others?

Don't they make mistakes themselves? We all make mistakes, only the dead CANNOT!

2009-01-08 15:23:44 補充:
Garlic, you know our email addresses right? You can always tell us what you think there. After we have worked out the problems, the one who is responsible for that matter can post additional information onto the threads.

2009-01-08 15:24:08 補充:
I do not think many people are able to understand what we debate in English on here anyway. Do let us know what you think about it.
2009-01-07 8:31 pm
To garlic2010 :

Does it mean that if someone post any additional information in the opinion, we shall then neglect the contribution of the original asker and vote the question as "with no satisfactory answer"?

2009-01-07 12:33:16 補充:
If the person posting opinion is that knowledgeable, why couldn't his opinion be posted as an answer so anyone who favour for his opinion could vote for him instead of voting for "with no satisfactory answer"?

2009-01-07 12:41:52 補充:
Criticizing based on someone's posted answer is much easier than answering the question.

It is unfair to accuse all the voters for voting on the original answer which has nothing wrong in deed, and actually it was very informative.

2009-01-07 12:43:18 補充:
I cannot stand for all voters, but for myself, I do not think people should just post their opinion instead of posting an answer, then hoping voters will be influenced by the little information provided in the opinion.

2009-01-07 12:43:55 補充:
Unfortunately this happens very often recently, for at least 2 months, that someone chose to answer the question in the opinion column instead of answer.

I do not think this is beneficial to the asker nor the forum!

2009-01-08 03:24:18 補充:
To : garlic2010

Don't put me in your mouth. I never say nor imply that 如果問題中有些意見是有用的,若「無滿意答案」票勝出問題便會被系統取消,有用的意見也隨之失去。

2009-01-08 03:26:22 補充:
有用的意見 is just additional information, no comparison with the answers.

I repeat : If anyone thinks himself to be so capable of offering 有用的意見, then he should not afraid of posting those so called 有用的意見 as an answer.

2009-01-08 03:28:35 補充:
I also repeat :

Criticizing based on any answer or being picky on the answers are much easier then to officially answer a question.

May be this is the reason why somebody wants to just post opinion, instead of answering.

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