
2009-01-01 1:44 am
Is late is a very not good custom, also or is late the human wants to look at the object, probably initially acquaintance's time, certainly to the unprincipled person did not see that will not always be late, but afterward was acquainted with one another is very long, will be late the bad custom will also reveal

中文係.. 遲到不是一個好的習慣,又或者遲到的人是看對象。 可能初相識的時侯,不想別人看到自己的缺點,而不會遲到,但相識很耐之後,就會常常遲到。 其實在任何情況,我們也不應該遲到,因為這是我們的禮貌,也可以說是習慣,但是遲到一定是壞習慣!

回答 (4)

2009-01-03 1:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I shall make it simple for you. Below is my translation.

Being late is a bad habit. Some people tend to be late when the people they are meeting are not considered important.

In the beginning of a relation, a person is usually more punctual because he or she wants to leave a good impression on other people. As time goes by, the person will be late more often.

Actually, we should not be late in any circumstances because being punctual is a common courtesy and a good habit. Being late is definitely a bad habit.
2009-01-02 10:05 pm
Being late is not a good custom, or maybe the person who is late is only looking at who he or she is meeting. Maybe when the time of acquaintance between two persons is still short, the person who hasn't really got the sense of timing will always be in time in order to establish a good image for himself. However when the time gets longer he may not be as responsible as before. He may not see being in time is important as he saw it was before.

Actually in any condition, we have to be in time. It shows our respect to the others as well as our initial proper etiquette. Being late is certainly a bad custom which shows that one is slighting the relationship between one another.

2009-01-02 14:06:30 補充:
Hope this would be useful for you :-)!

2009-01-03 11:18:11 補充:
Correction: "Maybe when the time of acquaintance between two persons ARE still short"
2009-01-01 6:17 am
2009-01-01 4:19 am
發問者: 匿名 , your hmmmmmmm is a riddle!

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