help! translate into english!

2008-12-31 4:56 am


回答 (3)

2008-12-31 11:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
All parents want their children to study in the school they aspire. Not a few of the parents enroll their children in the interview technique courses just for fear of losing out to other children in the application process. If children are pushed too hard into remembering all the interview techniques, emotional problems will impact them negatively.
2008-12-31 7:17 pm
All parents expect their kids can study in a dream school. Hence, they will apply some kind of special school for preparing the school interview. Psychologically, they do that because they're afraid of losing.
Indeed, if we rush the kid too much about the "technique of school-interview", possibly, it will cause them serious emotional problems.
參考: self
2008-12-31 6:56 am
All parents eagerly want their children to go to their dream schools, so quite a lot of them will apply for courses about interview techniques for their kids. That's mainly because the parents think those courses would be very useful. If they don't let their kids take them, the kids will not know what other children have learned from the crash courses. The sad thing is that if the parents force them to cram the interview techniques into their tiny little heads, the possibility of causing them emotional problems will surely increase.

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