急問:''only the good die young''

2008-12-29 8:19 am
''only the good die young''尼句點解,文法有冇問題???????/

回答 (3)

2008-12-29 8:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
只有好的人才早 死。

Only good people die when they are young.


2008-12-29 03:52:05 補充:
Just in case, you mean the song.

Come out Virginia, don't let me me wait
You Catholic girls start much too late<---------
But sooner or later it comes down to fate
I might as well be the one

2008-12-29 03:52:37 補充:
The song " only the young die young" is about a guy trying hard
to talk a Catholic girl into giving up her virginity for him.
He wants to have sex with her.

2008-12-29 03:53:47 補充:
" only good people die young" in the song doesn't really mean someone really dies young. It means if you don't get crazy for a while and have fun,
it is stupid. you cannot be good all your life and it is no use.

2008-12-29 03:54:29 補充:
The guy "Billy Joel" in the song just wants to go to bed with the Catholic girl Virginia. As I know, this song was banned once or something
and Billy had to say sorry to the Catholics.
2008-12-29 8:23 pm
''only the good die young''尼句點解,文法有冇問題?
只是句子應是 ''only the goods die young'' 英年早逝.
The following good guys died too young:
James Dean : 1931-1955 (24)
Elvis Presley : 1935 - 1976 (41)
John Lenon : 1940-1980 (40)

2008-12-30 09:31:06 補充:
The goods - exactly, it means "good people"
''only the goods die young''
"only the good dies young"
才是正統英文, 這個 s 用在那裏, 一般有英語認識的人都知道, 其實我是不需解釋的.
參考: self
2008-12-29 9:06 am
"Only the good die young." 文法有冇問題
It is a correct sentence. It means that only young people die at a young age.

''only the good die young''尼句點解
= 英年早逝


2008-12-30 00:59:46 補充:
"Only the good die young." 冇問題

''only the goods die young'' 就好有問題。

2008-12-30 01:01:54 補充:
The good = The good people (It is a plural subject.)
We never call good people the goods.

The rich = The rich people
Never "The riches"

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