英文文法 短語phrase

2008-12-26 3:44 am
我想問如果verb加左preposition就有可能變左phrase,但係如果變左phrase,咁佢用個時點解可能用are e.g. they are come from HK.
通常are之後個動詞都要變動名詞 如they are going to HK,咁係吾係phrase就吾洗?

回答 (2)

2008-12-27 4:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你有D野搞錯左,verb 加 preposition 果D係 phrasal verb,唔係 phrase,個 verb 都仲係 verb,不過意思就同原來 verb 個意思有D唔同。
jump at an offer = accept an offer eagerly
call off the meeting = cancel the meeting
put off the meeting = delay the meeting
call on somebody = visit some body
wait on somebody = serve somebody at the table
仲有好多 phrasal verb

另一D verb 後有 preposition,個 phrase 係 verb 後面果D野,例如
from Hong Kong
to Hong Kong
個 verb 用法冇變。

咁佢用個時點解可能用are e.g. they are come from HK.
They are coming from HK.

通常are之後個動詞都要變動名詞 如they are going to HK,咁係吾係phrase就吾洗?
用 phrasal verb 或 verb,時態(tense),agreement 都冇變,都要跟番文法,例如
They are going to Hong Kong.
They went to Hong Kong yesterday.
They are coming to Hong Kong.
Phrase 都不例外。
2008-12-26 4:16 am
我想問如果verb加左preposition就有可能變左phrase,但係如果變左phrase,咁佢用個時點解可能用are e.g. they are come from HK.

They are come from Hong Kong. WRONG ENGLISH!
They are from( preposition) Hong Kong.<---------Correct!
They come( main verb) from Hong Kong. <--------Correct!
In English grammar, we cannot put " are" with " come" ( bare verb) like that in the sentence.


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