
2008-12-24 9:40 pm
How do you express 執生 in English? tks a lot!!

回答 (9)

2008-12-25 4:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
由於未知實際環境如何, 「執生」意思是提醒別人需要因應現塲情況才作出適當反應, 但現階段卻未知論應如何處理.

Act as what the actual situation requires.
Act as required by the actual situation.


2008-12-24 20:42:41 補充:
sorry!! 多了個「論」字:

... 卻未知(論)應如何處理.

2008-12-30 05:15:02 補充:
對我來講, 一個能夠表達原文意思, 而合附文法的譯本, 就係一個好答案. 所以在我眼中, 每一位都譯得好好.

一個字的 "adaptable" (tungyeung2005 ), 夠精簡.

“act upon different situations wisely” (Whatiswhat24) 比較地道.

2008-12-30 05:16:50 補充:
“To take appropriate responsive action(s) when necessary." (eicachan)

“Respond appropriately according to real situation.” (才疏學淺)


2008-12-30 05:19:29 補充:
其實不同的版本都令我獲益良多. 即是在現實生活中要運用時, 我就有以上好幾個選擇.

這個並不是分數和等級令我們獲益, 而是學習的過程令我增進知識. 多謝噤多位!

致於我自己的譯本當然係我個人喜好啦! 因為我先假設「執生」係對話, 所以我估計對話應該越簡單越好.

所以就有此版本 “act as what the actual situation requires”.
2009-01-06 12:06 am
(1) "take prompt action" (suggested by garlic) is right, though the literal meaning of the word "prompt" itself means "quick" only. (the implied meaning of "appropriate" is understood)

2009-01-05 16:07:16 補充:
(2) or we can say: "be prompt"

(3) another suggestion is: "be prompt and smart"
2009-01-01 9:47 am
Be shrewd
2008-12-30 6:41 am
1) Make the most accurate judgement according to real situation.
2) Take the most effective action according to real situation.

2008-12-29 22:42:46 補充:
3) Respond appropriately according to real situation.
2008-12-30 5:31 am
我認為#001以下的translation最好, tks a lot!!
To take appropriate responsive action(s) when necessary.
2008-12-28 9:50 pm
save myself = =?
參考: 自己
2008-12-25 2:18 pm
To take appropriate responsive action(s) when necessary.
2008-12-25 2:38 am
隨機應變 Adaptable
2008-12-24 11:03 pm
"執生" is Cantonese. Um......................
Your mother is going to punish. I cannot stop her.
You have to act upon different situations. Good luck! O_O


2008-12-25 20:45:42 補充:
You have to act upon different situations wisely. ( You may put wisely at the end.)

2008-12-30 02:19:56 補充:
我認為 1=2

2008-12-30 14:18:45 補充:
意見者: hfchan32003,

Well put!

2008-12-31 12:10:36 補充:
Your mother is going to punish YOU. <------o_o

hfchan, you have my vote.

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