點解?This sentence

2008-12-21 12:43 am
Only with the aforementioned methods can sport be promotes among youngsters and the situatiion be improved.

Why sport can be placed in this position?


回答 (4)

2008-12-21 2:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Only with the aforementioned methods, ****can sports be promoted among youngsters and the situatiion be improved?"""""
There mistakes in your sentences!
-Can sports be .....................? <--------It is a question.
-sports<----------Not only one sport
-be( helping verb) promoted( past participle) <-------------- Passive voice


2008-12-21 02:13:57 補充:
There are mistakes in your sentences!***************

We all make mistakes. ^_^

2008-12-31 19:31:21 補充:
The asker misspelled some words. I thought he missed out a comma.

Garlic, you did not need to use caps with me. I know what "inversion" means.

Yeah! All human beings make mistakes. Only dead ones cannot!
Glad I am alive. @(*)*)@

2008-12-31 19:33:08 補充:
The misspelled word" situation" was from his sentence. LOL

2008-12-31 22:06:18 補充:
Ken, well said!

Why sport can be placed in this position? <-----The asker also made a mistake in his/her question.

Anyway I hereby wish everyone of you Happy New Year!

2009-01-02 00:35:09 補充:
koohoyan2000 , I sent you an email days ago!

You should go check it out, dude.
2009-01-01 5:44 am
問題有不清晰之處. 我個人 "估計" 其意思是:

點解下文的第一句, 那個 with 字, 可以放在句子的這個位置呢?


2008-12-31 21:45:45 補充:
原文第一句是 inversion. 如不用 inversion 及改用主動式, 可以這樣說:

We can promote sports among youngsters and improve the situation with the aforementioned methods only.

2008-12-31 21:46:29 補充:

We can improve the situation with those methods only. - 主動轉被動 ->
The situation can be improved with those methods only. - 再轉為倒裝句 ->
Only with those methods can the situation be improved.

明白這句結構, 就較易明白原句不是以 subject 行自, 而是有 with 跟在 only 之後.

2008-12-31 21:47:32 補充:

the new year is coming, and i hope everyone can carry a smiling face ^_^

2008-12-31 21:50:09 補充:
i guess garlic is right, but we haven't got 無滿意解答, so perhaps voters may choose nobody or choose the one that is more helpful to the asker.

2008-12-31 21:51:24 補充:
(just personal opinion)
2008-12-31 1:03 pm
No satisfactory answer. None of the replies answers the poster's questions.

2008-12-31 05:05:34 補充:
The sentence is NOT a question, no comma after "methods".
We all make mistakes. ^_^

2009-01-01 00:46:20 補充:
You are too concerned about the mistakes in the askers' questions. If they could ask a question in English without grammatical mistakes, they needn't have asked the questions at all.

2009-01-01 00:46:49 補充:
The answerer need to point out the mistakes in their questions but the more important is to address their questions.

Happy New Year.
2008-12-21 12:46 am

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