
2008-12-05 6:23 pm
Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of
God-- the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures
regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who
through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his
resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.
這麼長的一句話,主詞是誰?看起來應是Paul,但動詞在哪裡?是called 嗎?我文法不是很懂,但看起來理應是被動式,不是要寫成was called 嗎?如果省略Be動詞,成為修飾Paul的分詞句構,動詞在哪裡呢?另外,最後冒號所接的Jesus Christ our Lord,是不是原是接在regarding his
Son之後,只是為了說明 Son,中問又插入了由who所引導的二個非限定用法的關係子句,冒號的用法可以這樣嗎?


回答 (3)

2008-12-05 7:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God-- the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son, who as to his human nature was a descendant of David, and who through the Spirit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead: Jesus Christ our Lord.

=> Yes, 主詞 = Paul

但動詞在哪裡? 是called 嗎?
=> No.
動詞 = set

I believe there was an error with this sentence. There should not be an “and” before the verb “set”. See http://worldebible.com/romans/1.htm . This is a different version, but the grammar structure is more accurate.

Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, (who was) called to be an apostle, set apart for the gospel of God.

我文法不是很懂,但看起來理應是被動式,不是要寫成was called 嗎?如果省略Be動詞,成為修飾Paul的分詞句構,動詞在哪裡呢?
=> Yes. Called = 分詞構句修飾 Paul. 動詞動詞 = set.

另外,最後冒號所接的Jesus Christ our Lord,是不是原是接在regarding his Son 之後,只是為了說明 Son,中問又插入了由 who 所引導的二個非限定用法的關係子句,冒號的用法可以這樣嗎?
=> Yes.

The gospel of God – the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures regarding his Son,

=> The gospel which he promised beforehand ….修飾 the gospel of God.

His Son, who as to his human nature was descendant of David,
=> “who as to his human nature was descendant of David” 修飾 “his son”
and his son, “who through the Sprit of holiness was declared with power to be the Son of God by his resurrection from the dead”

=> and “who through the Sprit of holiness ….” 修飾 “his son”

His Son: Jesus Christ our Lord.
=> 冒號引接 his son 同位語 Jesus Christ our Lord

** For your last question, you can try joining http://www.englishforums.com/ and post your questions there, or search online grammar websites for answers.

2008-12-05 12:44:03 補充:
I cannot add more to my answer, so I will answer Cavalier's question here and the correction to his answer.

Jesus Chris our Lord is not used to modify Paul. Jesus is his son, the son of the Holy One, 耶和華.

2008-12-05 12:44:20 補充:
Jesus Chris is used to modify the word "his son".

the gospel he promised beforehand through his prophets in the Holy Scriptures
regarding his Son: Jesus Christ our Lord.

2008-12-05 12:45:14 補充:
In Bible, his son means Jesus, the son of the Holy One, 耶和華.

2008-12-05 13:33:47 補充:
Reading more about this, "set apart" is used as a passive voice similar to "called".

Paul (who was) called to be an apostle and (who was) set apart for the gospel of God.

2008-12-05 13:49:31 補充:
set apart = to reserve for a specific purpose

There is no verb in this paragraph. This is a letter from Paul to preach Jesus' gospel. I am wondering if it has something to do with it being the Bible. Kind of like the headline of the news.

2008-12-05 13:50:08 補充:
See more interpretation around this paragraph from the links below.

2008-12-05 17:50:33 補充:
Please read my comment #8. I did state that "called" and "set" were both passive voice. And in my comment #10, I was wondering if this type of writing has something to do with it being the Bible. Kind of like the headline of the news.

2008-12-05 17:51:52 補充:
I work from home tomorrow, so I will have to check with my colleagues next Mondy. Since I am not Christian and have not touch the Bible at all, I have no idea of any specific writing that the Bible may have. I will let you know after I talk to them.

2008-12-05 17:53:07 補充:
Sorry, typos.

Since I am not "a" Christian and have not "touched" the Bible at all, ...

2008-12-05 17:53:57 補充:
By the way, it will not let me add any more comment to my answer. So please read all my comments in the comment sections.

2008-12-07 14:01:34 補充:
No. The site I provided is in America, and answered by Americans. If you are going to ask in Chinese, you have to find a site in Taiwan. I am not familiar with the sites in Taiwan. The problem with the sites in Taiwan is that you may not get the right answer.

2008-12-07 14:02:15 補充:
I believe if they don't understand what you mean, they will ask and you can elaborate it more.

By the way, I am not in school, so I can only discuss the questions with my colleagues, not my classmates. :)

2008-12-08 23:46:47 補充:
I would not suggest removing the question, because if you do so, others will not be able to read it and read all the discussion. It is always good to leave it here. I would suggest that you extend the time, while I ask I colleague.

2008-12-08 23:47:47 補充:
If it will not let you extend the time, I can still add my comment after that. It is not a good practice to remove the question unless you feel that the answer is not to your sastifaction and that others will not benefit from this discussion. Thanks!

2008-12-09 00:30:33 補充:
By the way, I am having lunch with a few coworkers tomorrow, so I can get more input on this. I will get back to you tomorrow.

2008-12-10 13:47:47 補充:
This was a letter written by Paul. The first sentence was an introduction of himself, describing himself to be called upon as an apostle and to be set apart for the gospel of God.

2008-12-10 13:48:04 補充:
Grammatically it was incorrect. It is a more colloquial way. Kind of like the headline of a news. For example: Marathon in Boston to start tomorrow. The correct grammar is: Marathon in Boston will start tomorrow.

The way Paul wrote this letter was kind of like the example provided below.

2008-12-10 13:49:29 補充:
I, Count of Maryland, punished by the Lord and put to death last fall.
The correct grammar should be: I, Count of Maryland, was punished by the Lord
and (was) put to death last fall.

2008-12-10 13:50:07 補充:
So as you write, you should write it with accurate grammar.

For example:
Tim, a neighbor of mine, was called to be a clergyman and (was) sent to Africa to preach Christianity – the Christianity he believes in.

2008-12-11 22:58:30 補充:
Hi, KIS,
You are welcome. I will write a critique about this today, so people will be able to see all the comments I added later and not be misled by the original answer provided.
參考: Myself. Went abroad at age 11. With 32 years experience speaking and writing English. Tutored English as an Undergrad. A project manager in the US since 1992.
2008-12-06 1:13 am
謝謝Elisa和cavalier,我就是提問者,謝謝你們的熱心,但Elisa說動詞應是set ,我不是很同意,因我認為 called 和 set t應都是被動的,因Paul是被召成使徒和奉派傳福音的。

2008-12-07 09:31:56 補充:

2008-12-08 09:21:05 補充:

2008-12-09 08:53:39 補充:

2008-12-11 08:42:03 補充:
2008-12-05 8:55 pm
Thanks, Elisa, I agree with you and have removed my answer.

2008-12-05 13:05:49 補充:

After reading the paragraph carefully, I do not think "set" is the verb due to absence of an object; rather it is a participle parallel to "called". The word "and" ought to exist there.

2008-12-05 13:08:08 補充:
called = who was called
set apart = who was set apart = who was chosen

The whole paragraph is not a sentence, but a noun with descriptions.

Please comment. Thanks.

2008-12-05 13:45:49 補充:
Thanks for your endorsement to my understanding, Elisa.

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