何謂”有自己主語的 relative clauses”?

2008-11-22 8:06 am
文中最底寫道: 有自己主語的 relative clauses 不可以用 participles 取代
那麼, 何謂"有自己主語的 relative clauses"?

回答 (2)

2008-11-22 9:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
" which I am using now" <-----defining relative clause
(The pen which I am using now( to specify something) is not mine.
You cannot say" The pen using now is not mine.".
"I" <-----------主語

I think that's what the teacher means.
PS: I don't know much Chinese. ( I tried my best to help tho.)
Bye Bye

2008-11-22 02:37:16 補充:
Hmmmmmm. LOL These Chinese teams are driving me bananas!
On this site, it says subjects = 主語

SHEK, you should go there and take a look.

2008-11-22 02:37:44 補充:


The tall boy and the short girl play.

The fat woman, the tall boy and the short girl play.

2008-11-22 02:39:12 補充:
The fat woman, the tall boy and the short girl play.= 3 個或以上的主角的主語。

2008-11-22 02:41:04 補充:
If what it says on that site is right, then

The pen which I am using now( to specify something) is not mine.(" I" in my sentence is what they call "主語".)

2008-11-22 02:45:16 補充:
I just found one more website.

They say subjects = 主語 from Lina Chu 香港浸會大學語文中心


2008-11-22 02:45:57 補充:

 The police arrived within two minutes, but the thief had already escaped.

2008-11-22 02:47:27 補充:
According to these two websites, my answer to your question is right then, Shek.

2008-11-22 02:51:42 補充:
(The pen which I am using now( to specify something) is not mine.主語(人物)"I"

"""""""""有自己主語的 relative clauses 不可以用 participles 取代"""""""""""""""

which I am using now<-----defining relative clause here "I" is the "主語".

That's why you cannot""" 用 participles 取代""".

2008-11-22 05:16:52 補充:
I mean Chinese terms.<------
2008-11-22 10:24 am
The girl who lives upstairs is very pretty -> The girl living upstairs is very pretty

The man who was arrested last night is a murder suspect -> The man arrested last night is a murder suspect

兩句 relative clause 裏的主位同 main clause 的主位是一樣的,可以用 participles 取代。比較下面兩個例子

The girl whom John met is very pretty
The man whom the police shot is a murder suspect

後兩句就是有主位的 relative clauses,跟 main clause 的主位不同,不可以用 participles 取代。
the girl - John
The man - the police

其實分別在於 relative pronoun 是主位(subject)還是受位(object)。前兩句 relative pronoun WHO 在分句中是主位,後兩句 relative pronoun WHOM 是受位,relative clause 就要整句寫出來。


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