
2008-11-21 1:10 am


回答 (10)

2008-11-21 7:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Parents must be very desponding if their children are naughty.
參考: Own, 極有同感!
2008-11-29 10:45 am
Despond is not found in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary either. Interestingly, it is included in some of the more popular on-line dictionary, e.g. Webster, Here is a good reference with quotes and examples of "despond".

2008-11-29 03:16:35 補充:
The definition of Despond is to be disheartened or discouraged by loss of hope, courage, etc.
As Ken has pointed out, "Parents despond (at their naughty children)" already conveys the idea.

2008-11-29 03:41:29 補充:
The use of participle presented some confusion, to me at least. Should it be desponding or desponded? Despond implies a feeling of discouragement. Desponding seems to be correct as used in the chosen answer.
2008-11-28 8:07 pm
Nice points from Ken!

I myself heard the latter more often. ( my own opinion)
2008-11-28 7:28 pm
desponding 此字, 在一中英字典中找到, 但在 Cambridge dict. 中卻不見, 而是用 【despondent】 (又請留意, 用 spell check 之時, desponding 也是用紅線 underline 的.)

2008-11-28 15:59:05 補充:
我提出問題的意思是, 雖然有些字典 "有" 這個字的, 但如果有兩本英英字典都沒有 (cam bridge 及 co build, 都只有 despondent), 及用 spell check 之時也將 desponding 用紅線 underline, 便值得 "懷疑" 這個寫法是否被普遍被英語世界接受. 因此安全計, 用 despondent 較好 (所有字典都接受, spell check 也是).

2008-11-28 16:07:28 補充:
而且, 說 Parents must be (despondxxx) 的時候, 意思應該是 (disappointed / unhappy) 形容詞意思, 不是 (disappointment / unhappiness). despondent 既肯定是形容詞, 因此我才建議用它. 也加多另一字典連結給大家參考:

按上述字典, 見到 despond 是 vi, 因此, 也不必說 be +ing, 說 Parents must despond 就可以了.
2008-11-21 6:36 am
If there are naughty children at home, their parents must be so annoyed.
參考: myself
2008-11-21 5:45 am
If there is a naughty child at home, the parents must be very distressed.
2008-11-21 4:20 am
The parents must be very upset if there is a naughty child at home.
2008-11-21 2:48 am
home in the case of naughty children, parents have to take 10 in distress.
2008-11-21 1:34 am
In thhe home if have naughty children, the children's parents is certainly very worried.
2008-11-21 1:26 am
The parents must be troubled if they have naughty daughters and sons

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