
2008-11-17 5:17 am
例如: 當考試的時候,忘記了一些很基本(或簡單)的知識,係十分唔低(或唔着數)?

回答 (6)

2008-11-17 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
What a shame or What a pity

What a shame/pity. How can I forget such a basic formula.

It is a shame/pity that I forget the basic/simple knowledge in the examination.

如果一定要用 「某些事 is 十分唔低 (唔着數)」 這種句式結構,
is not worth it (不值得) 也可以。

It is not worth it to make a mistake in an answer.
Making a mistake in an easy answer is not worth it.

is not worth it 是指一些有意的行為
e.g. It is not worth it to spend an hour on the question.

以上例句用於「忘記了基本公式」文法正確但羅輯上有點問題,用 It is a shame/pity 會好一點。

2008-11-18 00:18:47 補充:
unworthy 中文翻譯應為「配不上」
unworthy: not having the necessary qualities to deserve something
e.g. He is unworthy of the honour bestowed on him.

2008-11-18 00:24:25 補充:
你說的我全都説了,包括 is not worth it 的用法。

2008-11-18 04:20:35 補充:
Sorry 006, ignore my remark.
I am a little out of my head this morning.
2008-11-17 6:45 pm
It's a pity that I'd forgot some basic & easy answers during the examination.
in English, it's a pity is exactly the same meaning of 好唔低, 很可惜 in Chinese.
Not worth it = 不值得, 也可以. 但 not worth it 多用在一件事或動作上, 例: It's not worth it to kill a dog to silent it from barking.
又如: It's not worth it that I'd forgot the basic & easy answers during the exam. 總有點不倫不類.......
參考: self
2008-11-17 2:43 pm

'very unworthy'


當考試的時候,-In an examination

忘記了一些很基本(或簡單)的知識,-forget some basic (or simple) facts or information

係十分唔低(或唔着數)-is very unworthy

The whole sentence is:

It is very unworthy to forget some basic (or simple) facts and information in an examination.

2008-11-25 06:56:22 補充:
Unworthy has different meanings one of which being 不值得的 (meanings from http://translate.google.co.nz/translate_t# 1. 不值得的;不配的;與...不相稱的 He is unworthy to receive such honor. 他不配得到這種榮譽。2.無價值的;拙劣的;卑鄙的;可恥的)

2008-11-25 06:59:24 補充:
唔低/唔着數in Cantonese are very unique in meaning, maybe a paraphrase can serve the purpose better. eg undeservedly at a loss
參考: own
2008-11-17 8:42 am
it's real shit
son of a bitch

2008-11-17 00:44:06 補充:
it's real sheet. ee=i
son of a bitc?. ?=h
son of a gun
2008-11-17 5:38 am
The other day I totally forgot some basic equations in a math exam.
It made me feel like I lost the upper hand.

2008-11-17 5:22 am
it's unfair
參考: myself

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