古時有一句話 : [ 罪不及妻奴 ] ! 請問用英文係點樣講 ?

2008-11-14 11:24 pm
[ 罪不及妻奴 ]
請問用英文係點樣講 ?

回答 (6)

2008-11-15 12:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
I am the one who committed the crime, not my wife nor slaves.

2008-11-21 8:45 pm
[ 罪不及妻奴 ]
Should there be any penalties incurred from my offense, I am the one to be liable but not my wife and menial.

2008-11-21 14:17:40 補充:
revised as:

Should there be any penalties incurred from my offense, I am the one to be liable with no cause to implicate my wife and menial.
2008-11-15 10:20 am
Your first sentence is your best.
2008-11-15 3:18 am
I was the only one who found guilty and should not be anyone else.
參考: myself
2008-11-15 12:20 am
[ 罪不及妻奴 ]
Whatever punishment for one's wrongdoings should not be extended to one's family and relatives.


2008-11-14 16:43:00 補充:

Whatever punishment for one's wrongdoings should not be extended to one's family, relatives OR EVEN SOME UNRELATED PARTIES.

2008-11-14 16:47:36 補充:
Sorry!! Further Amendment.

Whatever punishment for one's wrongdoings should not be extended to ANYONE ELSE.

2008-11-14 19:13:50 補充:
Whatever punishment for one's wrongdoings should not be INFLICTED ON ANYONE ELSE.

2008-11-14 19:31:22 補充:

One's wrongdoings should not be attributed to anyone else.

2008-11-16 05:12:32 補充:
[ 罪不及妻奴 ]

Whatever punishment for one's wrongdoings should not be inflicted on one's family or relatives.

犯了錯的人理應獨力承擔一切的後果, 而任何的懲罰卻不應加諸其家人身上.
2008-11-14 11:31 pm
leave the family out
參考: ME

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