
2008-11-14 10:30 pm
今天是我姨甥JJ和MM結婚的大日子,我同我的家人特地從香港來參加衣個婚禮. 多謝他們的邀請.
我從小認識的JJ是個開朗有承諾的年青人, 生旁的新娘子更加是聰慧能幹的女士! 確實係天作之合.
我確信今晚席上的每個人都會同我一樣, 祝福他們有個美滿的婚姻生活.
對我們列席的每個嘉賓來講, 今晚真係一個令人歡樂的日子, 我謹代表他們的父母, 衷心感謝同埋歡迎你們的光臨.

各位來賓, 今天是我姨甥JJ和MM結婚的大日子,我同我的家人特地從香港來參加這個婚禮. 多謝他們的邀請. 我從小認識的JJ是個開朗有承諾的年青人, 生旁的新娘子更加是聰慧能幹的女士! 確實係天作之合. 我確信今晚席上的每個人都會同我一樣, 祝福他們有個美滿的婚姻生活. 對我們列席的每個嘉賓來講, 今晚真係一個令人歡樂的日子, 我謹代表他們的父母, 衷心感謝同埋歡迎你們的光臨.

回答 (4)

2008-11-14 11:10 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is the wedding of MM and my dear nephew JJ today, me and my family were pleased to be invited and we flew from Hong Kong without second thought.

As his uncle(or aunt), I knew JJ ever since he was born, he is a happy and committed young man, and the beautiful bride beside him is a very smart & capable young lady, they are meant to be for each other.

I believe that each and every guests of this evening will feel the same as we do, to wish them a very happy marriage. I am sure it is a pleasent evening for every single guest of this party, on behalf of the bride's & groom's parents, I would like to thank you all from the bottom of our heart, thank you all for sharing they happiness tonight.

字句同原文有少少出入, 但意思相同且較接近西方人用語, 希望可以幫到你.
參考: Myself
2009-01-01 2:05 pm
me and my family were pleased to be invited
should be
my family and I were pleased to be invited

"I" is always placed after the first subject.

2009-01-01 06:06:07 補充:
each and every guests
should be
each and every guest

2009-01-01 06:06:19 補充:
Does the writer know when and where to start a new sentence?
2008-11-15 2:42 am
The fellow guests, today are my second cousin JJ and the MM marriage great day, I attend a clothes wedding ceremony especially with mine family member from Hong Kong. Many thanks their invitation.
I knew since childhood JJ has the pledge young people open and bright, side lives the new bride even more is intelligent competent woman! Is the good combination truly.
I believe firmly on mat's each person to be able to be the same tonight with me, pray for heavenly blessing them to have the content marriage.
Each honored guest who attends a meeting as a non-voting delegate to us says, tonight is one happy day really, I represent them sincerely the parents, the heartfelt gratitude along with welcome you presence
2008-11-15 1:13 am
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Today I was his nephew and JJ marriage MM day, for I am with my family came from Hong Kong to participate in a wedding clothes. Thank them for the invitation.
I know from a young age JJ is a bright young people have committed, next to the Health of the bride is more intelligent and capable woman! Department did a perfect match.
I am sure that tonight's meeting with everyone, like me, they wish to have a happy married life.
Each of our guests in attendance, this really is a happy day, on behalf of their parents, thank you for coming to welcome activity.

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