幫我解解尼句英文既grammar 得5得阿?

2008-11-09 4:55 pm
Space Museum to spend $34 million in renovation.

我5明點解要加to , 但如果省略佐to 就好似唔岩...

係星島報穩嘎, 唔通出錯?


Space Museum has spent $34 million on renovation都好似錯啵?! 因為Space Museum係死物,無生命嘎嘛,點會spend呢? 係都係the goverment has spent喇? 唔係咩?

回答 (4)

2008-11-09 11:24 pm
✔ 最佳答案
" Space Museum to spend $34 million in renovation."=
It means something like " Space Museum is going to spend ....."
( Of course we do not mean space museum itself here.
We imply the people who run this museum will spend ........ on something.)

About your doubts, I just want to tell you that
reports or writers tend to change something in their announcements or sentences just to attract you.
Although those are againist the English grammar , it is a way of expressing themselves in a cool way.

Have you ever seen newpaper titles like
"TWO MEN KILLS IN A FIRE " or something like this?
It means " Two men were killed in a fire.....".
You have just looked at the title above , haven't you?
I bet you are still looking at it.^_^
That's how this sort of writing works.
When you watch the news on TV, you may notice something like the following as well.
******* TVB news!!!!!!!!!!!!! *************
Reporter: Donald Tsang said the XXX will continue.
Please take a look at the modal verb " will" in the above sentence.
In English grammar, it should be " Donald Tsang said the XXX WOULD continue.
Here the reporter wants to show that the XXXX ( WILL)continue.
(It is NOT in the past--- it is stilling going on.)
When you watch TV tonight, pay attention to the English subtitles.
I am certain that you will be able to spot something similar .

Until next time, bye for now.


2008-11-09 9:08 pm
Space Museum is going to spend $34 million in renovation.
Space Museum will spend $34 million in renovation.

Space Museum係死物,無生命嘎嘛,點會spend呢? 係都係the government has spent喇? 唔係咩?

The government 都係死物,因為係 collective noun 整體性名詞,代表政府機構、政府部門、政府官員,可以用
The government will spend $1million on transportation.
The director of the transport department will spend $1million on transportation.
Space Museum will spend $34 million 用法亦是一樣。

Spend on or Spend in 的問題,請看下 例:
Spend money on food (spend money on something)
Spend money in repairing the building (spend money in doing something)

由於是報紙標題,Spend money in renovation 都可以接受。
2008-11-09 6:08 pm
Space Museum to spend $34 million in renovation.
我地唔會冇啦啦冇 verb 系前面就加 to
I went to the swimming pool.
I have to see the doctor now.
所以,唔可以用 to-infinitive .
就算唔用 to-infinitive,由於呢件事早就過去左,應該用 past tense

香港得 1 間 Museum ,
所以要加 The 。
The Space Museum has to spend $34 million in renovation.
(太空博物館 需要用 3千4百多萬來 翻新)
The Space Museum spent $34 million in renovation.
(太空博物館 用了 3千4百多萬來 翻新)
參考: myself
2008-11-09 5:43 pm
Space Museum to spend $34 million in renovation.(X)
Space Museum has spent $34 million on renovation.(TICK)

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