Another example of an inferior response being picked as the best answer. The question is to translate the following passage: HE WHO LAUGHS LAST LAUGHS THE BEST~MEANS~ IF SOMEBODY COULD NOT TAKE THE CHANCE OR HOLD SOMETHING IN HAND WHOLEHEARTEDLY; JUST IGNORE OTHER'S HARD FEELING AND GO HIS OWN WAY, ONCE HE LOSES OR LEAVES, HE THEN FEELS THAT HE LOSES THE BEST AMONG ALL, EVEN THE EVERLASTING SMILE!!! HOWEVER, "NO GAIN NO PAIN" IS THE BEST!!! A less common variation of the idiom is "He who laughs last laughs the longest". It means that the person who wins in the end enjoys the laugh from his heart. Those who have an upper hand in the beginning but finally lose out are only dumbfounded while the true winner is laughing. The passage to be translated does not convey the idea from the final winner’s perspective. Instead, it is more a portray of the eventual loser. The passage was badly written with no proper punctuations, making the translation an uneasy task. It is obvious that the chosen answer has wrongly interpreted the meaning of the idiom. Translating "last" as 上一次 and not 最後 is a grave mistake. Response 002 by eicachan is a better answer not only because it interpreted the idiom correctly, it was also submitted earlier. I believed hfchan32003 had borrowed some of the idea from the earlier response. The identical use of the terms 把握機會, 全心全意, 我行我素 lends support to my speculation.