The sentence should read:
The segment attached to the reseller is different from its own market.
"The segment attracted to the reseller" does not make sense.
It only makes sense to say "the reseller is attracted to the market"
2008-11-08 17:36:08 補充:
1. attracted 是否 attached 之誤;
2. its 是否指 reseller,還是另有所指﹖
the segment attracted to the reseller 中文是「被吸引到分銷商的市埸部份」,市埸是不會被吸引的,只有分銷商會被吸引到市埸,此句絶不合理。
the reseller attracted to the market segment 才是解「被吸引到市埸的分銷商」
2008-11-08 17:51:49 補充:
如果 attracted 是 attached 之誤,此句是
the segment attached to the reseller 「分銷商所屬/佔的市埸部份」就完全解得通,因此可斷定attracted 是 attached 之誤。
原句應從 marketing 或 management 來,分銷商既有所屬市埸,its own market 的 its 必另有所指,應是指總經銷商而非句子中的 reseller。
2008-11-08 17:54:15 補充:
2008-11-08 18:12:17 補充:
To 知識+用戶一名 ( 中學級 3 級 )
吸引轉售者的市場部分 in English is "the segment attractive to the reseller"
attractive, not attracted
2008-11-11 00:32:52 補充:
attracted 與 attractive 的分別
attracted = 被吸引 e.g. The reseller is attracted to the market.
attractive = 有吸引力 e.g. The market is attractive to the reseller.
The market is attracted to the reseller = 市埸被分銷商吸引 ???
The market attracted to the reseller = 吸引到分銷商的市埸 ???
2008-11-11 00:37:38 補充:
引起轉售者發生興趣的部份 = the segment appealing to the reseller
attracted to 點都解唔通
2008-11-13 05:52:36 補充:
The sentence to be translated can be found on the internet in at least three urls, two listed below
2008-11-13 05:54:08 補充:
2008-11-13 05:56:03 補充:
These are all study notes. The text arrangement and the wordings are highly similar, indicating they may have come from the same source.
2008-11-13 05:56:30 補充:
Text from the first url
* A compromise between manufacturer and private branding
* A firm markets products under its own name and that of a reseller
* The segment attracted to the reseller is different from the manufacturer’s own market.
2008-11-13 05:57:36 補充:
Text from the second url
Mixed Branding is a compromise between private and manufacturer branding. It is where a firm markets products under its own name and that of a reseller because the segment attracted to the reseller is different than their own market.
2008-11-13 06:00:56 補充:
A firm markets products under its own name and that of a reseller
My best guess of the word "that" is that it refers to "the name". It comes to mean
A firm markets products under its own name and under the (different) name of a reseller.
2008-11-13 06:05:03 補充:
From the third point in the text, it is clear that "its/their own market" is referring to the firm's, not the reseller's market.
The last question is what "attracted" means in the sentence context.
2008-11-13 06:09:03 補充:
It can mean one of three things
1. The segment attached to the reseller
2. The segment attractive to the reseller
3. The segment appealing to the reseller
I believe "attracted" is a wrong use of word, as it does not make sense to say
The segment is attracted to the reseller
2008-11-13 06:18:52 補充:
Rather, it is the reseller that is attracted to the segment.
Any translation that interprets it as
吸引轉售者的市埸部分 without modifying the wording of the original text is not a correct translation.
2008-11-14 00:58:30 補充:
In marketing, segment always refers to market segment. Market segmentation is a strategy in marketing. Market segmentation is the identification of portions of the market that are different from one another.
2008-11-14 00:59:55 補充:
The firms or reseller involved in each market segment are known as segmenters or segment members.
2008-11-14 01:01:17 補充:
A good market segmentation will result in segment members that are internally homogeneous and externally heterogeneous; that is, as similar as possible within the segment, and as different as possible between segments.
2008-11-14 01:02:20 補充:
The sentence to be translated is about marketing and not business sales acquisitions.
2008-11-14 01:06:29 補充:
The sentence was extracted from study notes that can found on the internet. 009 and 010 of Opinion had listed the original text. There is no arguing the context is marketing.
2008-11-14 04:20:10 補充:
The best interpretation of "attracted to" may be
The segment targeted by the reseller