
2008-11-03 3:14 am
我想話"o個d係佢既小動作, 佢成日都咁做"


回答 (9)

2008-11-04 8:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
o個d係佢既小動作, 佢成日都咁做

derogatory 貶義的
- That is his peculiar action. He does it always.
- That is his pose. He does it always.

neutral 中立的
- That is his habitual gesture. He does it always.


- That is his distinctive habit

2008-11-09 03:08:57 補充:
To glcarolyn :

1. Thanks for pointing out the mistake of using singular by 004.

2. We do not need anyone to teach us the word "mannerism".

3. Those men are (X the) police.
參考: Myself
2008-11-15 3:05 am
Thanks Ken for referring to my answer about 小動作 , I almost forgot it.

When‘d係佢既小動作’is translated to English, words like 'action' or 'habit' are not suitable (唔好隨便把‘動作’譯成 'action' ); 'gestures' fits best here.

2008-11-14 19:23:39 補充:
The word 'mannerism' might be an alternative, but please note that it is far less frequently used than 'gestures'.

Why not choose 'gestures' --- it is simple, correct and known to most people.
2008-11-08 7:12 pm
of course "mannerism" is an acceptable choice, but pls note that the word is countable so "Those are his mannerism_." should be changed.

also "action_"

2008-11-09 17:22:18 補充:
police 可以是 collective noun, 但 mannerism 不是.

2008-11-09 17:22:30 補充:
noun [C]
He's got some very strange mannerisms.
We've spent so much time together that we've picked up each other's mannerisms.

2008-11-11 12:11:58 補充:
網友 maskin6 另一關於 "小動作" 的回答也值得參考:

(makin6的回答提醒大家雅虎字典的 "可靠性")

2008-11-11 12:13:13 補充:
mannerism 此字頗 "tricky", 因為通常我們見 -ism 尾的字, 都少有想到是個普通的 countable noun.
2008-11-08 8:45 am
Right on, eicachan.
2008-11-03 7:09 pm

o個d係佢既小動作, 佢成日都咁做:
Those are his mannerism. He does them all the time.

2008-11-07 06:41:00 補充:
Let us learn the word mannerism which collectively emcompasses all types of 小動作.
參考: own
2008-11-03 6:37 am
Those are his little tricks, he does those very often.
2008-11-03 6:01 am
this is his a petty action/a little trick/a little maneuver
參考: 聰明筆!
2008-11-03 3:30 am
我上網查:a petty action; a little trick; a little maneuver
2008-11-03 3:19 am

Little trick

參考: 自己!_!

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