請高手幫助..看看grammer 是否正確....請盡量保持原意...Thanks!!!!!

2008-11-01 7:11 am
Good afternoon everybody. Today I want to introduce the book : Computer and information teachday
Let’s talk about this . It teaches the me the ability to understand what information processing is and how the common application software can be used as information processing tools to process and present information efficiently and effectively ; , it state how the different components of a simple computer system work together to perform tasks , as well as how and why how and why computers are connected together to form computer networks ; It let me understand the use and development of the Internet and the World Wide Web , understand basic concepts related to computer programming , solve problems I a systematic way and apply some of the skills and method involved ; and have a chance to develop communication skills and self-learning ablrly .For example , I study in module A programming , it can let me knew which program language is more suitable for me and I can use more than one language to do a program . Its main point is train my logical thinking and creativity , I think studying this book is good for future because every job should be use for computer nowadays ! Thant’s all . Thank you for attention !

thank you hoi_kiu1108


thank you for your garlic2010


sorry ! thank you for your help garlic2010

回答 (3)

2008-11-04 11:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
001's answer has more grammatical and structural mistakes than the original text.

2008-11-04 03:48:29 補充:
Good afternoon everybody. Today I want to introduce a book called Computer and Information Technology.

Let me begin. The book enables me to understand what information processing is and how the common application software can be used as information processing tools to process and present information efficiently and effectively. It explains how the different components of a simple computer system work together to perform tasks, as well as how and why computers are connected together to form computer networks. The book lets me understand the use and development of the Internet and the World Wide Web. The book also talks about basic concepts related to computer programming, how to solve problems in a systematic way and apply some of the skills and methods involved in programming. Last but not least, it gives me a chance to develop my communication skills and self-learning ability.

For example, I learn module A programming from the book. From the exercise, I know which program language is more suitable for me and I can use more than one language to create a program. The main purpose of the exercise is to train my logical thinking and creativity. I believe reading this book is good for my future because nowadays every job requires the use of computers.

That is the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention.
2008-11-04 7:21 am
Really ??!!!!! Would you mind help me ???Thanks!!!
2008-11-01 12:55 pm
Good afternoon everyboby. Today I am going to introduce a book that is called "Computer and information teachday"
Now, let's talk about this. After readging this book, I am able to understand what information processing is and how the common application software can be used as information processing tools to process and present information efficiently and effectively.
It also show that how the different components of a simple computer system work together to perform some tasks; as well as this, how and why computers are connected together to form a computer network.
It let me to understand the use and development of the internet and the World Wide Web, the basic concepts related to computer programming, solving problems in a systematic way and applying some skills and involved method.
By reading this book, I can improve my communication skills and self-learing. For example, I studied module A programming, which let me know what program language is more suitable for me and I can use more than one language to do a program. The most useful for reading this book it training my logical thinking and creation.
Finally, I think studing this book is good for our future because nowadays, everyone should be using for their job.
That's the end of my presentation. Thank you for your attention.
參考: myself

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