Is "next friday" tomorrow or next week? Pls tell me the definition.?

2008-10-30 7:19 am
Hi, I'm writing in Japan. I'm a Japanese.
I would like to ask about the definition of "next ---".
Say, for instance it is thursday today and you have said from someone "let's meet next friday".
When should I meet then? We'll meet on Friday this week or next week? Or should someone have said more exact day like by adding this week or next week in this case?
Thank you for helping me!

回答 (15)

2008-10-30 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Most people I know say "this Friday" if you are earlier in the week. But if you say "next Friday" you mean the week later.

To be absolutely clear, one can always Friday the 31st or November the 7th.
2016-11-07 11:42 am
What Day Is Next Friday
2008-10-30 11:21 am
"Next Friday" usually means "a week from THIS Friday" if it's close to Friday. If it's Saturday, it could mean the Friday that will be six days later that today's date. If you're not sure, ask - it's what anybody would do.

"Friday week" always means a week from the Friday that's soonest.
2008-10-30 7:45 am
Next Friday, would not be the the week you are in, it would be the following week . Otherwise it would say meet you ""This Friday"" Next in the context you have used it here. It means not the one coming , but the following one! You are Welcome!
2008-10-30 7:30 am
Friday this week is called this Friday. Next Friday is the friday next week.
2008-10-30 7:24 am
Usually if it were thursday and they said next friday, it would be the friday of next week. If they meant tomorrow, usually one would just say, lets meet tomorrow. I hope this helps :) good luck.
2008-10-30 7:24 am
That would mean next week:)
If it was going to be tomorrow, you would either just say "tomorrow", "this Friday" or just "Friday".
2008-10-30 7:23 am
I think that the coming up Friday would be this Friday and the following Friday would be next Friday.
2008-10-30 7:22 am
Next week.
tomorrow would be THIS Friday, not NEXT Friday.
2008-10-30 7:22 am
Friday week is Friday next week.
Next Friday is the coming Friday ie. Tomorrow.

Good Luck =)

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