What are your thoughts on nipple piercings... Adults only please.?

2008-10-29 4:39 am
I have been thinking about it for a long time but I have a few concerns.

1. I'm scared they wont get them straight across the nipple... I already have a crooked navel piercing.
2. Im REALLY scared that if i don't like them after a year or whatever that there's going to be ugly scars when I take them out...

What are your guy's experiences with nipple piercings? Do you think I should do it? I'm 20 and figured I might as well do it while I'm young but if i'm going to have ugly scars if I really dont like them then that will drive me nuts! Pain doesnt bother me so you dont have to tell me how much it does or doesn't hurt.

Also - how much did it cost for you guys? And what was your default piercing? I would rather have a barbells than hoops but I heard they have different heal times.

回答 (7)

2008-10-29 4:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
What is the point of nipple piercings?
2008-10-29 4:53 am
I got both of them done. The first one didn't hurt too bad. The second one hurt quite a bit. I got them done at the same time and I paid $100 in Hollywood and I don't remember what I tipped. They take forever to heal. I got barbells because I like them better on girls. Hoops seem more for boys. Healing time sucked because I was waiting tables at the time and I guess you just don't notice how often you bump into things with your boobs...OUCH!!
2008-10-29 4:54 am
I personally would not have them , for fear of infections, catching them on clothing & have them ripped out, & also for the fact that so many women already get breast Cancer, & just because I don't have it now doesn't mean I may never get it, so why do something unnecessary to harm them on purpose.
2008-10-29 5:00 am
i think you should go for it. and as for jewelry you should get barbells until they heal because hoops move around too mutch and it can delay the healing process. mine only cost 20 dollarers for both because i brought my own jewelry when i took mine out it only left a lil bit of scar tissue
good luck
參考: 19 piercings
2008-10-29 5:50 am
if u scare just dont do it.

2008-10-29 5:05 am
i guy i dated got his periced twice the first time he ripped his nipple in his sleep and the second time i ripped the barbell out when we were hooking up...but on the other hand one of my girlfriends has a ring on one of her nipples and i think it looks really good. personably i think it would just feel weird in my bra and jazz.
2008-10-29 4:50 am
ive had mine done for like 3 years now and actually i bought needles from a piercing place so it cost me 11 bucks for the bar, hoop and needles..lol and i have a barbell in one and a hoop in the other. the hoop took wayyyyyy longer to heal then the barbell but the barbell gets caught on everything..so you decided and as for the actually piercing holes, they should closed up like any other hole if you heal then right with creams and stuff.
good luck
參考: 27 piercings and counting
2008-10-29 4:58 am
dont get it...........
nipples are so cute and delicate looking
they are sexy how they are

dont do it... i just have a feeling you will regret it!!

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