proofread一句英文,只係一句! 快!!

2008-10-27 10:32 am
We will include another survey on different views of the older generations and younger generations on fortune-telling.

回答 (8)

2008-10-27 10:51 am
✔ 最佳答案

*THE is added to show that THE views are SPECIFIC to THE older... and THE younger..., not views of all people.

**THAT....HAVE are added to connect the generations to the views

2008-11-01 10:06:23 補充:
One who would like to ask the question in a different way can do so, and ask it separately elsewhere. S/he is free to do so.

Here, shall we respect cccccccccc and stick to what s/he wrote, and answer accordingly?

2008-11-06 06:41:32 補充:
The scenerio may be like this:
A survey was done and it was found that different generations have different view...
So we will do another survey on the different views..... this time.
This hopefully explains why the 'different' views.

參考: OWN
2008-10-29 10:05 am
we will include another survey on different views about fortune-telling of senior and youth generations
參考: A stupid guy from Macau
2008-10-28 8:19 am
Hi there,

I have noticed that something unnatural in your sentence.

Allow me to point them all out, please.

Here are a few things that I found out.

1) " the other" and " another" are used differently.
It means if you have only two surveys, you should use" the other" ,but if you have more than two surveys, you may then
use " another".


1.I have TWO cups. One is blue and THE OTHER (is) orange.( In English
grammar, " the other" is used to compare one with THE OTHER ONE.)

2. I have TEN keyboards. Since you do not like this blue one, I will give you

2) " on" appeared twice in your sentence, you may change the first one to
" about" instead just to make it look more natural.

3) The younger generation and the older generation <--- Plural here.

( In English, " the younger generation" means any younger people who belong
to this .You do not need to add an "s" here.)

Note: I tried to find an article about it for you and I was lucky to find one.
Here is the link:

Do check the third paragraph.

(The article there was written by a British guy who used to teach at Oxford

Here is my version anyway:

We will include another( If you want to say you have 2 surverys here, use"
the other" instead) survey about the younger and the older generation having different views on fortune-telling.

Hope it helps.
Until next time, see you.

2008-10-28 02:53:10 補充:
We will include another( If you want to say you have 2 surverys here, use"
the other" instead) survey about the younger generation and the older generation having different views on fortune-telling.
2008-10-27 11:18 pm
We will also include another survey on different views of the older generations and younger generations on fortune-telling/superstition.
參考: Myself
2008-10-27 10:56 pm
002 is perfect.
2008-10-27 9:31 pm
點解 survey 未開始已經假設不同 generations 有不同看法﹖不可能看法一致或差不多嗎﹖
How about this one:

We shall include another survey on views by older generations and younger generations on fortune-telling.

I don't see there is any particular reason to use will instead of shall, the more general form of future tense.

2008-10-27 13:34:13 補充:
If the survey has been done, should you say survey result instead of survey?
2008-10-27 6:06 pm
We will include another survey on the different views of the older and
younger generaltions on fortune-telling.
這是我的提議。我認為 generations 是應以一字蓋括,而不應重復的呢!
2008-10-27 10:42 am
應該是We will including another survey on different views of the older generations and younger generations on fortune-telling.

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